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Hey guys. I been thinking.

You guys have been amazing about supporting me all this time. But I feel like the amount of work I've been producing for this patreon is not proportionate to the money you guys have been giving me this month.

So... at the end of the month, I'm going to put this patreon on a 1-month long hiatus. But I will still continue to produce art in the meantime.

I just want my art to... "catch up to the money" you've all been giving me, so I won't feel like I'm taking unfair advantage.

And when the hiatus ends, I'll have a lot more art to show you guys as a result. So that's my Christmas gift to you guys. A "free month" of art from me. :D

Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Whatever, and let's hope that 2018 is better than the last couple years!

... Now I just need to figure out how this hiatus thing works...

EDIT: Okay. I found the "pause" feature. In a few days, that is what I'm going to do. And you guys will NOT be charged on the next billing cycle. :3


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