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Commissions are now officially open for January, and I will be accepting ideas until 6pm EST on Sunday, December 18th. This batch will be sixteen stories max and will take us through the rest of January after the current batch is done.

  • As I always do, I will be writing an exclusive bonus story for all of those who commission me between now and the end of January. This will be written early next year and everyone involved will get to vote on what the story will be.

Now onto the usual! You don't need to be in a specific tier to commission me and you can commission more than one at a time! If anyone is interested here are the details below:

  • I exclusively write TF content, I won't write unrelated stories.
  • Pricing is 16$USD per 1000 words, with 8$USD for every 500. Typically stories with one TF subject run from 2000 - 2500 words, and with two they run from 2500-3500.
  • I am comfortable describing multiple TFs in a single story but it will be reflected in your total.
  • Please keep in mind that if the proposed length is too long I may not consider it. 3500 words is the most I'm generally willing to do for one commission.
  • A list of topics I'm comfortable writing can be found here. Please keep in mind that the stranger the scenario or the more obscure the series, the less likely I will be to accept it due to the lack of familiarity on my own part. I will not write content involving vtubers in any capacity.
  • If  you would like a commission, please fill out this form  and I will let you know if it's doable for  that price point if I'm interested in writing it. Please do not just send a message asking if  I'm taking commissions, just send your idea in. I will go through them all after the submission date has passed, so do not follow up until a day or two after that if I haven't given you a reply.
  • When the length is decided on I'll ask you for a payment via Paypal. This  payment locks you in your slot, so unfortunately I'll need to make it non-refundable. If a case ever occurs where I'm unable to finish it though, I will refund the commissioner.
  • Slots are based on my personal interest and not first come first serve, but sending them earlier is better since I do start planning earlier.
  • While I'm comfortable writing nsfw, I will not write nsfw with characters that are minors nor in non-consensual situations. If they're older after the TF both physically and mentally I'm a little more lenient on this.
  • I am very picky with OCs due to the nature of how much I'd need to  convey via writing in terms of  personality and mannerisms. If you would  like to commission a story  involving your OC please send references  including their appearance,  personality, and dialogue samples along  with your idea.
  • I tend to avoid self-insert OCs in general, and while I won't necessarily reject a commission for using them, it does lower your chance of getting a yes.


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