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Hello everyone! Happy Holidays!

While I'll be releasing five stories tomorrow, I just wanted to touch base on some of my plans for 2022! I've decided to add a couple of new tiers that will go into effect on January 1st, and on February 1st I will be increasing the cost of the current 10$ tier (something I have already talked about with the people in that tier on Discord). 

The new tiers will be as follows:

$1 per month
Your blood runs cold, and your skin dulls until your body makes a satisfying CLINK. You’re now a coin within a jar of coins.

  • this is the tip jar tier! you don’t receive any benefits, but this is if you read something you liked elsewhere and wanted to give a little support!

$12 per month
An energetic pep possesses you as you bounce about, your eyes growing wider and colors brightening until you’re a cute, yet very well endowed anime girl.

You receive all benefits from the lower tiers (barring Monster Girl during January) and:

  • the ability to vote in a monthly story poll that will be written that month, with a minimum word count of 3500 words!
  • whether solo TF, duel, or triple, there will be at least one MTF TG in every option!
  • the ability to vote in a monthly first-person story poll for a story of roughly 2000-3000 words!
  • access to the monthly suggestion box, where you can submit potential ideas for poll options!

No one is obligated to jump up into the Anime Girl tier! I just wanted to add some new venues for content and mix up what I can put out a little. The 3$, 5$, and 7$ tiers will be remaining as they are in terms of benefits (with some minor tweaks to wording on the tiers themselves), so if you're comfortable where you are, that's great! I appreciate any and all support you can give!

I'll see you all again tomorrow when I post the Christmas commissions!


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