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Starting today you'll be able to send in your December story request if you're in the 10$ tier! Please make sure to use the form below while messaging me.  You will have until the end of the day on the 5th (EST) of the request month to send your request. These will be done before Christmas, so if you have a holiday idea let me know! Likewise if you'd like one written as a gift for someone, let me know and I can make arrangements to post it on Christmas Eve.


✅ Combined requests
❌ Utilizing my characters in stories
❌ Paid extensions


  • I've set up a MAL with a bunch of anime I've seen. I've also played a ton of games and I've seen more anime than what's listed, so if you have something you'd like to see it doesn't hurt to ask me if I'm familiar first!
  • Make sure you're certain of your request before you send it in! Once I've received that request I'll be looking up related materials and drafting early story concepts, so try not to change your idea once I've received it!
  • While requests can be sent now, I won't be starting any of them until I've received payment, so if you don't plan on remaining in the $10 tier next month it probably isn't a good idea to send me a request.
  • I reserve the right to deny a request if I'm not familiar with a series, I'm not comfortable writing it, or if the idea doesn't resonate with me in general. It's always good to have a backup just in case! I am also selective with some content, such as FTM TG, APing child characters, and some inanimates.
  • I will only accept two XIV OC stories per month. It is not first come first serve, and depends on demand vs how recently you last received one.
  • If a character has been used as a TF outcome in the past six months, I most likely will reject your request. This is so I'm not writing the same TF too frequently and can lower the chance I'll replicate the TF the exact same way.
  • You must send me your request by the end of the day (EST) December 5th, else you will not receive it.

And here's the form:

  • CHARACTERS INVOLVED; including as much information about them as you can send me, and please specify the one to be TFed! try to keep it to a max of three characters involved. if it's an oc, please send as much information about them as you can! I don't mind doing off screen TFs for the other characters.
  • DESCRIPTION FOCUS; if there's an area of the transformation you want me to focus on in the writing, place it here. please keep in mind that depending on time, because the requests are cheaper than commissions, i may at times omit a requested topic if i can't incorporate it in a way that works for me.
  • DO YOU WANT NSFW CONTENT?; yes or no, I don't mind either
  • IF YES, WHAT KIND DO YOU WANT; just a general idea is okay
  • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION; anything else you think I should know
  • PREFERRED TITLE FOR THE STORY; optional! if not i'll just name it myself

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message!


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