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Hey everyone!

Now that I have my holiday schedule I'm going to be making some tweaks to the schedule I have set up for the rest of the month to better accommodate them. The most notable changes will be for this week and the next: I won't be writing a third request this week. I have four left for December and I plan on doing two next week and two the week after (since I count the month for requests up until the week of the 5th the next month). I also won't be doing a chapter this week and will instead be merging the Eijirou and Mina chapters into a longer writing piece like I did with the first two chapters of Servafes Scramble.

That doesn't mean I'm not writing anything else this week though. I plan on putting out a holiday story in a similar style to Kama Sutra and Delta Costume, using a first person point of view. The character in this case?

Sorry for the delays, but I don't want to overextend myself when I probably should try and relax a bit.


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