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Hey guys! I just wanted to give you guys an update because there are going to be some delays and I wanted to explain why.

If I'm going to tl;dr the situation I fell down my stairs. I hurt my leg a couple of weeks ago and I had a moment of weakness in that injury and took a spill and broke my whole ass leg. I'm OK! Realistically. However I'm on some pretty strong painkillers that are making it difficult for me to focus on writing right now. I'll still be trying to finish things as quickly as I can but it may take me a day or two to get caught up and the delays might carry a little longer as a result. 

I'll still be posting polls and I'll be putting September request stuff up soon, I just wanted to let you guys know I need a few days.



Dang, glad you're alright then! No worries about delays, just make sure you're feeling up to them first!


No worries pls become fit first