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Hey everyone,

I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone for your support. I've now done a full half-year running this Patreon account, and we've gone from one whole patron in December to almost fifty. I appreciate this support, and going forward I'll be striving to create higher quality content as we grow even more. 

Writing TF content started as a hobby for me about ten years ago and not once back then did I think it would turn out to be a skill that I could share with others, and I'd like to hone that skill as much as I can. I know written content may not be as exciting as drawn art where you can physically see the changes happen, but it's my goal to continue creating for those who enjoy visualizing the transformations and diving into the more complicated mental changes that art cannot always fully capture.

This has been something of a rough month for me, what with losing my job, and the support of not only you guys but those who've commissioned me on dA have helped so much. I wouldn't have gotten through it without you all.

So, thank you.

-- chaldeachange



Hey, it's rare to find a writer that generally aligns with what I like both in transformations and my current general interests in media, so I'm happy to help support ya so long as I can! :)