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It's pretty clear a lot of you like pregnancy related content, but I'm curious which you'd prefer to see more of in the future: 

Characters like Brienne or Arona, who can be knocked up over and over again but whose kids just become numbers in the nursery, OR characters like Miko who just have one pregnancy but with a great deal more content related to that one-time experience and the child(ren) it produces.

While Kinu's probably going to remain a unique example, at least in this game, limiting an NPC to just a single pregnancy does mean that the resultant children could be better developed than current pregnancies mostly are: names, personalities, etc., like Kiyoko's 2nd to 4th kits. At least for races such as harpies that grow up fast enough for it to matter. 


H.E. Pennypacker

Voting for 2, but one unique + generic afterwards for flavor would be ideal for me.


I like the old way the frostwyrms were handled in TiTS, where the first, or first few, was unique and developed then genericised after that

Xerox the beautiful

I prefer the second option as standouts but I do like having generic ones around to repeat if I want even if it's less interesting overall so I like a good mix.


If this was like CoC1 then I'd say 2 but it's not so 1 and 3 are my choices. Though I can see a world where there is a select few special ones and then they're all generic after that. As long as there isn't a 'cap' on how many kids you can have persay.


I picked the second. Personally prefer one or a handful if unique kids then it being generic later. Buuut if I had to choose, second choice.


This is lacking a "I'm not that hot on pregnancy" option.

Conner Howell

I prefer for it to be more like Kiyoko’s. 1 or 2 important ones than the rest are generic.


I’d like it if there were more races of characters that could impregnate

Crystal Poxon

I'm personally curious if this question would apply to player pregancies as well? Like for example I enjoy the interaction with Brint later into carrying his child. (Note: I agree with the one or two special ones and generic afterwards opinion)


Definitely 2 I was sad to learn I would never be able to interact with the named floofs but I'm glad it's being discussed.


1 or 2 pregnancies unique to a makes the children seem a lot more important than just endless numbers. It breeds a better sense of attachment to them.


@Savin what if NPCs had a multiple pregnancies, but only one pregnancy gets development. What are your thoughts on having some NPCs where the content focuses on fostering a relationship or story with the *mothers,* with story progression being triggered based on the number of children? Kind of similar to the Frost Wyrm in TiTS?


2nd Vote for me. Not into Pregnancy related content, but whenever I end doing them, I prefer if the kids existence are acknowledged more then just a number, even if they play no role in any quest or side quest or have limited interactions. Much better then just pumping out kids like cookies from the oven.


I'll be honest I'd love to have child with Zo Zo is my favorite NPC out of all so far and a child with her that could be trained be tge player and Zo would be awesome So I guess I would be with the folks who want fewer with specific content surrounding the kids

Will Landrum

This is a hard question.... I mean I absolutely love the current system, though things like with Kiyoko and her kits is fantastic. Maybe if there were like a combination? Say there's "one that stands out from the rest" and any after that are the "numbers in the nursery"? Not sure how ridiculous a proposal that is but I apologize in advance

Will Landrum

"breeds a better sense of attachment" I want you to know I see your pun, and I appreciate it.


I think having both based on the parent NPC personality is best. Most would be fairly unique and have such developed children, but a race or culture that values the first or strongest would have development for that, and the others are just counters that define the size of that clan, for example.

Will Landrum

Like the Jutons? Or is it just me that wants to take a make that big blue gal a bit bigger 'round the belly? Haha


I think this might be the perfect happy medium - I love feeling like a good parent with some of the kids, but... at the same time it's a lot of fun knocking up those lovers repeatedly.

Emily Smith

Asagiri, who she? I like pregnancies that end with at least some interactions with at least one kid much like in TiTs. Otherwise i find the pregnancy content kinda repetitive after a while.


For me I like a mix of both. Having well developed kids you can have moments with is nice. But on the other end of the spectrum I love having pregnancy addicts like Kiyoko, Gwyn, and Brienne.


I think having at least one Kid to develop with Party/NPC is fine along with the Generic Pregnancy stuff

Nightseer Night

I love seeing your offspring begin to stand on their own legs and have deeper development. At least one per character you can knock up in case that character is your favorite. (After that just generic is fine.)


I’m fine with either but would be cool if we got more developed pregnancies vs numbers depending on the character you know?


I'm one of the apparent few who isn't into pregnancy, so I'll abstain my vote and let the people who actually care decide what wins. Bring on more bad ends via centaur, troll, orc, and minotaur for me! :)


I feel like it depends on the mom/sire. Dryder queen with the 10 kids per pregnancy? No, probably not. Minor characters you can encounter (ex the elf boy in the woods, the lupin robbers in The Valley, imps) probably don’t need that attention to detail either. That being said, companions should probably have that sort of option. If you spend more time with a character, there is quest content specifically around a character, and/or ESPECIALLY if its the kind of character there is relationship development dialogue for would be worthy of having a unique kid.

Michael Vaccaro

I think a blend of the two types would be best. Some specific with growth and development and perhaps party affiliation, and some generic to help grow the horde. It would also be nice, if you could take the horde and start to train them for protection or production (I.e. standing militia, crafting/building) so that you could improve places such as Hawthorn or the Baroness's castle, or even the Wayfort.


I would prefer repeat pregnancies, even if just so I can see the scenes again without loading a save or making a new character.

Shas'O Dal'yth Kauyon Kais Taku

I like the one you did with the Kitsune Waifu, you give extra attention to the firstborn and then the rest are mob characters


I enjoy getting knocked up by Brint, but I would love to see a few special ones amongst the horde.


I second this opinion, bonding with the children after they are born is awesome and wholesome ❤️ But at the same time I do admit I love seeing my fav girls waddling around with our kids


I think one or two pregnancies that make fully developed characters and then make the rest just a number are the way to go about it. Though it would be pretty cool to have a child become a party member


More quality interaction with the kiddos would definitely be more welcome than just increasing their numbers. Maybe the portal magic makes them grow faster so they're more interesting sooner or some such nonsense. Asagiri, tho... knot who I would have expected as an example.

Kevin Daley

i love pregnancy but brianna and really any of the tavern semi auto impregnation are complet garbadge. please stop, its to much. hell if im female its even worse because i can get inseminated as well. dont get me wrong i love the events and how they work its just every night its possible to inseminate someone or be inseminated is just to much and i barely have any choice in that. i cant even tell them to not come to my room so i can get a simple nights rest.

Darryl Williams

I think my favorite aspect (outside the fetish itself) is something like (TITS) Zephyr visiting in the nursery. so, third option; I generally like how pregnancy affects the mother (or sire) more than I'm interested in the extent of the development of the progeny.


I will be blunt and honest here. I am a fan of these games for the erotic content. So, I don't like anything that takes a lot of time away from my character getting plowed by demons and stuff. I know I am in the minority here, and that's fine, but I hated Kyoko's content and when I have to spend hours reading about characters feelings and story exposition. CoC1 was mostly better for that, it hit the right middle ground for me. So, yeah, I prefer keeping it generic, so it doesn't become a teen novel :) PS: This is NOT a slight to those writing stories with lots of text without smut. I don't like that (in these kind of games) but it's only my opinion, I am glad others enjoy it. I just want a balance and those kind of scenes to be mostly optional and still have plenty of quick stuff for us fans of more adult writings, to put it mildly.


Honestly, i agree with you here. As shallow as that might sound and nobody wants to discredit the work and quality that went into making the stories and character designs, but it's simply not what i'm personally looking for in these kind of games.

Serban Zaha

I'm kind of thinking back to Hela and the kid you can have with her in CoC 1, or the little Queen daughters you can have from the cave on Myrellion in TiTS when I say that I would love something like that, that gives a sense that your kids are more than just numbers and you're actually adding life to the world that will go out there and leave its own mark, but I would love a bit of a middle ground. Some important kids (like the first with an important NPC for example) but with an option for additional generic ones later, if it's not too much hassle. As much as I love those examples I mentioned, it's nice to have that repetition aspect too for the fetish itself. Honestly, I think I enjoy impregnating characters as much as having mine impregnated in all the adventures, and having that option to have that happen multiple times with friendly, important npcs we care about would add more weight I think to the game itself. As for what Reboot said, or Kevin, I feel like they kind of miss the point. What I love with this game and the other two is specifically it's ability to have good story, good game, and good sex all in one package. Yeah some content is better than other, but honestly I find myself skipping through sex scenes I've seen before FAR more than I find myself skipping non-erotic content. It gets to the importance of down-time and pacing. If it's all sex/fetish, all the time, it just becomes noise. Having this kind of content that is a direct result of the sex but is itself not sexual is exactly the kind of downtime that you and your team and friends excel at. Everything revolves around the sex, ultimately, but it only revolves around it, meaning it has a chance to look elsewhere if the player chooses. The last thing I want to add, and I know that 2 is fairly early in the process still, is that I'd love to see something with greater length to it. For now, most of the content that deals with characters and their relationships feels like it is fairly short and very straightforward. X is feeling nostalgic for Y. Find something to remind them of Y and character development is complete-ish, and reward is hot steamy sex. I'm thinking to something like Hela or Urta in the previous game that had pretty involved quest lines, or even some of the party story having this lengthier-feeling stuff to do that wasn't just busy work of finding 3 of that rare thing. Keep up the amazing work and totally looking forward to more of everything from you ^_^

Serban Zaha

I should say, the x feels nostalgic example is just an example. I don't mean to say all quests feel like that. Just wanted to illustrate how rather...barebonesy it feels

Haha no

I prefer a developed kid but I'm fine with whatever


If possible I'd prefer them to follow the Kiyoko logic; maybe 1 detailed pregnancy / kid, but with repeatable pregnancy events with nameless extra kids anyways just so that content doesn't disappear for your save when you've done it once. Between the two I vastly prefer repeatable; some of the writing for Kinu etc; is great narratively, but it doesn't really appeal much to the pregnancy and breeding fetish to be stuck with a single kid and not be able to knock up your wife anymore. I'm all for elevating the writing of the game but it should still focus on being sexy first and foremost.


Like other people have said I think how Kiyoko's is done works very well. I like middle ground as it were, where a few are special and the rest, well, are background characters. Sorry the hundred of other fox kids, haha. I'll put my vote to the second as that looks like the closest to what I said. But really I'm fine with all three as I'm okay with the horde of kids, I enjoy the unique ones, and I like reading and being with the parent of the kids.

Darth Bayes

I'm basically exclusively interested in oviposition-based pregnancy, which really leans toward the first or third, but if you could make it work I'd be happy to see the second.

Barkleaf .

Maybe a bit of both? Some more named kids would be really cool but I'm mostly in it for the kink


While I think either is fine, I personally like the experience of pregnancy itself and the changed interactions of the mother and the people around her so I kind of like multiple pregnancies so I don't have to start a new save to experience them again. That's the whole reason I'm holding back from starting up Miko's content since I know it's a one-time thing. At the least, I'd like the mother to stay milky after the pregnancy even if I have to come around to make sure she doesn't dry up since the milkiness is a big part of the pregnancy content I enjoy


I have to say a bit of both. There's is something to say about the story building of mc and harem/clan, but there's also the fun to risk and consiquences of winning and loosing a scene. I won't mind seeing the kids growing becoming part of the clan, den, or townfolk whether my mc's the sire, mother, or both I rather enjoy Kinu's kit story line. Kinu gives mc something else to fight for. He fights for home and family.


I would love more small amounts of children. Aya Asagiri and Tatsumi are almost as special as Kinu. I just wish Aya and Tatsumi had busts.


the thought that comes to mind is setting something like with sophie in the original coc. she could have lotsa kids but there was a long cooldown on when she wanted to again. I also think it would be cool to have a unique child for each of the "lovers" that the mc can collect


the thought of a child from Brone/Briana, arona, and Kinu in an ass kicking quest comes into mind, but that's another story.


I'd like to see a bit more individuality among children that are mothered by the player, as well as those fathered by the player.

Fable Wolfe

I love Kinu as a character, and my relationship with her, but I just want to make sure that the repeatable, generic option is still possible (like how I can knock up Kiyoko multiple times, despite Kinue being the only child with a detailed story).


2. Definitely. It's...odd and anticlimactic to go through that process and effectively have the number counter rise with little else in the way of impact on characters or the world at large. But maybe throwing in an "Endless Pregnancies" toggle or something would be a happy medium for other folks?


I'd wished that it was liked CoC1, with scenes requiring pregnancy and children requiring to create a camp of lovers and followers. But I liked special children like Kinu and her siblings, (reminds me of Urta when fighting off the rogue fox). More like that is needed. Also wish that making babies with the 3 Druid sisters would be possible. That's why I liked option one cause there is no need to limit the baby count unless specified, option3 is automatically required so voting it is redundant, yet want the pregnancies to matter in the game, so I voted for option 2.

Blood Raven

2 - if I had to chose, but I'd like the option for both, like maybe most of the kids are just numbers except for one of the kids in the bunch who turns out to be something special. I'm reminded of Amily in Coc1 where the first kid you had becomes a recurring character who helps take care of transporting your kits.


i am not a fan of many "one time only" events. if it means more and more of the game is "once only," reduce my children to numbers.


Since we're on the topic of babies, can we get a chance to knock up a few other characters that are not breeding yet via side quest? (Grandma Gwyneth, Cait, elf maid, cat girl at temple, white harpy, Mai and Rindo)


True. Also wish they had as much content as Kinu as well.


I wouldn't mind more Imp pregnancies and more naughty, helpless events with them ;)


It would be great to have interactions with the hordes of kids or find sexy caretaker to help Gwyn. Plus will there be more content with Brienne, when she gave you a ring and wants to find present in Khorminos.


3 for me, but I can understand why 2 is running the lead. My biggest annoyance with the pregnancy system is that there's not really a way to track how many children you have with which parents. The Daycare tells you how many children you have, but not with which mothers/fathers. Plus that doesn't track children you have with characters that do send the there, like the harpy leader. I suppose my only other real complaint is the lack of some way to have some characters take contraceptives. My Brienne has had more kids than my Kiyoko because as soon as she has kids she initiates an unavoidable scene and is almost immediately pregnant again. It's a minor thing, but in breaks agency, which feels weird for this genre of game.

Master Helvar

I like both to be honest, they both have their fits but I think that it would be nice to have some that could be developed characters. Would be interesting to see some how things would be if some characters had npc kids like Etheryn or Ihzalti

Davidson monson

question will you be adding insect transformations such as wasp/bee or moth in the future?

Luzilyo Valentine

how about a mix, like, first pregnancy results in a fully developed and fleshed out child character and subsequent pregnancies are generic?

Alexander Lopez

I'd prefer a mix as well. First child or 2 are flushed out, but after that all the other children are generic


Despite what my vote says, I'd prefer a mixed system, with a few special kids (e.g., the "first one or two is special" mentioned above) + unlimited generics. I'd also like to second kimeimaro's request for better child source/count tracking.

Dragon Fire

As a fair number of people have said, i kinda think a mixed system would be preferable. Honestly think the Kiyoko system is the one that i like the most, a few special kids as well as the horde. Makes those special kids still special, but at the same time allows for the hordes if the player chooses.

Peter Scamman

I like 3 and 1, but 2 is fine here and there. I operate in more of a "gotta catch em all" way, so I'd prefer resources be spent expanding the total kinds available (goblin? frost pup?) over making really detailed, one-time stuff. Also, it would cool to have variations in children (which features did they take on?), including rare outcomes for them and also transformations/perks that can only be obtained through PC preg.