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Simple enough poll: which of CoC2's female companions is your favorite romance/fuckbuddyship? THIS MEANS AS CHARACTERS, not for their mechanical utility. That's always in flux. Atugia.

I decided to run male and female companions separately so the men could have a chance to shine. It's been almost a year since we did the dudebro poll, and now that you've had a chance to get to know the female roster, I'm curious about the feminine side of the party!

If you aren't interested in women, you can vote for who's your best brodette or just abstain. 

As always, any specific feedback on the ladies is appreciated!


justin jeffcoat

I do wanna note that rindo would that one kind of character yiu can sympathize with amd want to mature a loving and protective relationship with. I see potential in her development.


Swears aside I just love Kiyoko to bits. Pregnancy fetish isn’t really my thing but for some reason.. I don’t care. Love her, love her story, love her people. She was what convinced me to buy the game in the first place.


Kiyoko love my fox wife and floof family to bits


Really tough Poll, this. For me, Brienne edged out Azzy by a hair, mainly because she simply has more content right now, and thus you get to know her better, so this answer might change at a later date. Kiyoko would have also been up there if it didn't require a Dick to get to most of her (quite excellent) content. Though i have to say, even the Girls i like less (mostly because theyre Futa) are very well written and enjoyable, not a single one to actually DISlike.


I love Cait, probably helps that she is the one who interacts the most with your other companions, really is between her and Ryn. Kiyoko is great in her own way but she just feels very separated from the rest of the MC's other companions and friends.

Alex McGregor

Once I'd have voted for Kikyoko, but after the travesty of the daughters and the stupidity involved in that, I just can't


Kiyoko for me, Fox wife the win, though if there is ever any feedback I have for her as character, it's definitely interactions with other NPC, outside the Kitsune colony, besides the family and kitsunes.


I love Kiyoko so much, she just has so much depth to her relationship and she caters to the pregnancy fetish to boot, even just the small conversation pieces of her are just lovely and i'm always happy when she and the other kitsune get new content.


I am torn between Cait, Etheryn and Kiyoko. All the girls are great characters, but these three just have something special to me. Cait always seems like she's on the verge of breaking down behind her strong facade, on the contrary Etheryn is slowly building confidence and is a fantastic person that you want to protect and cherish so she never has to experience her childhood again. You give a second chance at life to Kiyoko, and Kinu is such a lovable child, just hearing about them getting hurt pains me to no end (although the overpowering pregnancy content with Kiyoko is not my thing, really likable relationship with the MC). Personally I've been dying to free Ryn from her cage ever since I built her confidence, and I can't wait to have her finally be free from all the burdens of her past (with obviously more great scenes to come, even though I'm afraid of what her sister's fate will be at the end of her personal quest...).


Unpipular opinion : Arona.


The only thing that is stopping me to vote for Kiyoko is that steam achievement about having 42 or 48 babies with her. Still kept her in the dream world because of that.


It's gotta be Brienne in my opinion. She's a dark skinned, light haired muscular woman that loves being dominated and impregnated by you. She's the perfect woman in my opinion. It's quite ironic that she starts out as the companion I care the least about.

Rosie Lens

I prefer Etheryn over the others, mostly because of her story. Even if everything else comes to a head, she definitely feels more attached to what happened, and is on an arc to prove herself as a good leader for her people. Azzy takes a close second, mostly because of her introductions and overall personality. There really aren't a lot of 1v1s, so Azzy's stand out a lot, and do show a sizable amount of her character in wanting to do them. That's not to say there are any bad characters, but I have no experience with Brienne since I always feel bad for Brint having the femme nightmares and bring him to the church right away.

Shawn McNeal

Atugia is my favorite companion, but I'm really behind on the game, didn't know you can get the fox as an actual companion.


Has to be Kiyoko, and the fox content in general. Playing through all that feels more like an actual game rather than just a porn simulator. Helps to give your character a very defined appearance and background for some of the future writing, considering the rest of the game doesn't have the background and personality mechanics something like TiTS has.


I see Gwyn is missing on this poll...


Etheryn has the best story arc so far, and Cait is just so much joy and fun. I adore Gwyn and love keeping her full of puppies to love. But my favorite has to be Brienne. There's just something about my rough, fun, sexy cowgirl I can't get enough of.


Cait got my vote for this one. She's been a day one and I feel like we get a lot closer to her as a character more than most of the other companions. She's sweet, bubbly, and just all-around a great individual to me. I love getting closer to her in her personal quest too. The variety of scenes that she has is a big factor as well. Etheryn gets a close second though. I have a weakness for characters who need to be built up and watching how she changes as you show genuine care to her is heartwarming.


I'm a sub boy. Arona all the way.

Mark G

As long as their assets can keep getting bigger, like with Kiyoko and Cait, I'm a fan. It would be fantastic if they had higher size limits. Really I wish everyone had that capability. It's mice that Azzy has a second set that at least moves her up one stage.


Loving Arona's Chaos. Don't get the obsession with Kiyoko and I feel bad with what happened with Brienne. After Arona my faves are Cait and Ryn. I'd like Tui more if she had more content but taking her around she doesn't have much for responses to events at the moment and in general for party mechanics I don't feel she does anything all that special right now. I really want to like her, but right now she joins and then that's it. With how Kiyoko reacts to her kid/kids and others around her though I have a hard time liking her


Kiyoko is currently my favourite especially if you become a Kitsune after releasing her and get married before you unlock any of the extra scenes in that area those extra scenes become more romantic and more interesting instead of just standing and watching all the ceremonies take place your character gets to take part and experience things as they experience them and feel them like the Kitsune feels them but with that being said the Crystal / mirror dragon siblings content is definitely my second favourite especially after the massive lore drop if you can unlock the correct scene there's so much interesting information in that scene


Cait is best girl!! I'm just a sucker for her. I love that she's kept with us from the start, and her bubbly personality. The fact that she's got so many scenes is great, and I also just fucking LOVE cat girls! Nya.

Mars Project

Personally prefer Arona myself, specifically sub Arona. Its oddly satisfying that the big muscular orc is submissive to my elf futa.

Sid Santos

All I know is I am literally planting seeds of power to grow in the next generation of leaders in this land.


Cait gets my vote because nothing can beat a Catgirl in my eyes...plus she’s been there since day one and her personality is so cute


I picked Arona since I like my dommy futas (mommy Kas best waifu) but I would prefer Brienne if you could keep Brint's personality and cock.

Patron of the Strange

Well Cait is best companion but my favorite character overall is Kasyrra


I gotta go with Cait me, she been by your side a the beginning and even though can't have kids with her (except in dreams) I don't mind so long as you can have a pretty cat girl to cuddle with. Plus I love her new look when you transform her into a half leotharn, so much fluffiness and more snuggles!


Very difficult to call that between Kiyoko and Brienne, as they have an absolute gamut of content, they're excellently written and their romances have distinctly unique flavours to them, which tick different boxes for me. Cait comes in at a clear third for me because of how well-rounded she is as a character, and she's got some of the most outright fun and amusing smut/kinky scenes. An opportunity to become closer than fuckbuddies would be most welcome in my personal opinion. I think similarly of Etheryn and Azyrran, both have their own appeals and have some gloriously steamy/intimate scenes, though I feel both would shoot up in appeal if they similarly had additional romance/preg/bonding content. Etheryn stands to gain the most from this, as some of the groundwork is there in terms of her confidence stat, and the effect that has on her triggered scenes and existing sex encounters. I would absolutely love to see her flower even further as a confident Elf Queen who could be even more pro-active or more frequently willing to showcase her love for the Champion if romanced. Also wouldn't mind a spot of TF-ing for her if ever that's on the table, would very much love the opportunity to make her a full woman, with all the perks that entails. Azyrran has a splendid amount of fun and raunchy content to play with, though I feel she as a character relative to the player is a little flat and static, once the Hive questline is all done and dusted off. Surely there's a romance/preg/further bonding route in there to get the best out of her and let her come into her own beyond 'fun, raunchy titty hornet'. Atugia falls into that bracket also, I simply want more of her, I'm aware she's been in the works for a while and even prior to her recruitment being coded in you could see some scenes where she was planned to have an input. Give us some more time to bond with the Muscle-Han, showcase what makes her different from our other companions, who knows, maybe a spot of TF-ing or altering to give players further means to tweak what appeals to them. It worked wonders for Brienne as it did for Arian in the first game. Essay over, just want to add a big thumbs up to all of you behind our current roster of companions, we've been spoilt rotten in CoC II, can't wait to see what else you have cooking up!


Lady with massive breeding kink here, so Arona is my fave by far!


It's... a very tough choice between Cait and Kikyo. With Etheryn a close but definite third.

Nunya Biz

Tough to pick between Kiyoko and Brienne, went with Kiyoko because we've seen more of her story so far. Azzy is sweet but lacks content. Cait is fun but... not entirely for me. Etheryn is very very well written but has a dong so loses points. Atugia has very little content and I'm not like, super into her being able to remove her head whenever she wants, bit weird. Arona is fun but not attractive to me, enjoy the rest of the orcs though!


I really need to get Brienne as it sounds like I’m missing out. But Kiyoko is by far my fav. How well written she is, the awesome character that she is, as well as the bonus of having a family you can interact with is just.... *chef’s kiss* amazing.


Azzy is tied with Cait as my favourite female companion so far, it would be nice to have some post-Hive content/expansion for her though. Generally the companions are great though, and really well written

That Odd Deer

Tough question making me pick between Cait and Brienee and Kiyoki


Ain't having this vote before the Khor Minos content being released for Brienne is kinda a guarantee that Kiyoko will win by a landslide? She just had the most writing put in her character development.


I love Cait. I'm happy she gets all the content she does. She's my number one. I like Brienne a lot, but I feel like she needs a lot of maintenance that can get a bit frustrating when I'm trying to accomplish other things. I wish you could gently let her know you want her to milk herself until you talk to her about it.


Pretty much a tie between Cait and Kiyoko for me. I really enjoy the dream with the two- I wish they had more (real) interactions


Simple ranking (reflected in the poll with Kiyo as #1). I'd type a small essay on how I feel about the characters but that feels overkill for the comment section. Maybe better on Fenoxo if I get around to it and it seems valuable enough. 1. Kiyoko 2. Brienne 3. Etheryn 4. Cait 5. Azyrran 6. Arona 7. Atugia


Agreed, Rindo probably the second closest in the Fox content. I don't think polygamy is looked upon kindly in the Den but I'd risk it for Rindo.


Brienne is my fav Ryn a close second, Kiyoko could have been first but i have issues with a lot of the none sex relatet content with the other Foxes. Brienne is just dope and will probably get even better with the Khor Minos stuff. When Ryn can be transformed into a women she could definitly be the best.

Alternet RedSkys

My top five. 1 Kiyoko 2 Etheryn (meek and innocent need to protect) 3 Cait (Breeding her and more content with her would bump her up.) 4 Arona (Orc babe and great sub) 5 Azzy (Only other one I can really care about still little content with her.) Most thing holding other babes back is content and things to do with them as you explore. Kiyoko as a lot of unique wholesome and lewd content.. And you actually have a named child with her and she gets pregnant fast. How she talks with the player makes it also feel more like a relationship she also gets more busty as the relationship progresses but not too a extreme amount.


Arona's the best by far! Incredible dominant, but caring where it matters. I love how rough she is to the PC when domming.


Brianne is first, Kiyoko is second, once Ryn gets the option to sleep with her than she could be second.

Ace Ventura

Brienne, etheryn, and kiyoko are all top tier

Ryan Breggie

Turning Arona into my bottom bitch has to be one of the most fulfilling things in the game. She's definitely my favorite with Etheryn being a close second. She's adorable. My only wish is to be able to truly ruin Etheryn~


Big Fan of Ryn and she's probably my favorite, I just want more of her all the time. That said, I feel like Cait and Kiyoko have more in the way of romance and fuckbuddyship so its more of a tie. between those 3.


Not surprising that kiyoko is the most popular, seeing as she has the most extensive package, however, all her most recent additions have really won Cait over for me. Special mention to Ragnild though! I love the sundress date and would love to have more scenes of that theme.


meh Azzy is the bestest babe, alone there being badass and trying to fix her home


Kiyoko is my favorite, I just love the homely/family vibe her content gives even more then her sexy content. Brienne is second fav: her sweet and strong personality really won me over. Arona is my third and final fav: turning her from my assailant to my snarky but occasionally sweet bottom was just so satisfying.


Brienne, is my first pick, super muscular mommy?! Fuck yeah. Kiyoko is second cause I find kitsune tradition on par with a root canal most of the time. And Arona is third, real cool and almost as good as Brienne, but the slavery really hurts that.


Brienne definitely has the best sex scenes of any of them, and the random events to take care of her needs rock. Special mention goes to the mating press scene, which I love. Cait is awesome for her story and how much of a friend she feels like, and the sex is pretty great too. Anal with her is my favorite. And finally, Etheren is a sweet heart and I love her to death. Wish she'd stay a little more blushy even if you're friendly to her, but I don't mind her sexually confident either.

Xerox the beautiful

I flip back and forth between Brienne and Kiyoko as my favorites. Brienne has my favorite sex scenes with Kiyoko just a little behind her and the rest of their content is about equally enjoyable in different ways for me.


Ryn is my immediate fave, her growing confidence is a point of pride for my various champs. I have the most powerful romantic bond with her out of all the companions, and greatly look forward to her uncaging.


Sorry to double post, but Cait is next in line for best girl and I pity those without the refined tastes needed to enjoy Poly TempleCat GF. Third place tied between Tui and Azzy because Atugia is So Cute and probably has so much to tell us but she's content-sparse, and Azzyran is delightful, has her own things going on in the background and I love that but I can't really envision a "character arc" for her. Final comment/complaint is the usual 'I am mad Brienne is TF'd Brint and not her own deal' and also WHY are all the good female companions unable to top, I am not especially picky but I feel like everyone needs mandatory strap lessons.

Blood Raven

I vote Cait because Cait is my bro and I'm sorry Kiyoko but Cait didn't get as much love as you in the poll.


I belive you can still get the achievement for that with her outside the amulet.


It’s gotta be Brienne, I vibe with her personality a little more than Kiyoko’s, who is number 2 on my list.


Arona, purely because she has a dick and can fuck characters with me. If Cait or Kiyoko could turn into a futa then it would definitely be either of them.


This is a weird one because my answer has shifted over the development cycle. First it was Kiyoko. Then it was Brienne. It's been a toss-up between Brienne and Etheryn for a while now and Arona recently came forward several spaces with her Mayternity content. I guess Kiyoko JUST edges out for the baby bump-job she and Miko can give you if they're both pregnant at the same time, but it's still close.


I think ones missing *cough* Lyric *cough*

samfish90212 .

I adore the fox-wife. Kiyoko is wonderful.


I will always love Cait forever!


Ryn. Fite me.


Azzy, definitely. Of all the scenes I've read, some of those have the best writing I've seen so far. I've reread them quite a bit.


i like Brienne but wish she was a futa


Stupid question, how do I access the backers version of CoC2 on Android? I can't find the option to sign in anywhere.


My favorite by far is Domme Arona. When I play these games, I prefer the scenes where my female or herm character is being dommed hard or (even better) mind broken, preferably by a female herm too. I am a bit disappointed there is only one companion that fits the bill. She's well written and I like how she orders you around to do things, but I also wish she wouldn't be so soft with the main character in other areas. I want a bitch herm domme who doesn't hate you but don't really care for you either. Actually, I guess my ideal companion would by Kasyrra! lol But since that's not happening, some kind of a similar character as a companion would be the best.


2nd this. Kiyoko alone made me back the game even before the first backer's patch was out


On mobile, the log in buttons on fenoxo.com are at the far bottom of the page.


The problem with Atugia is she just doesn't have enough content. I was interested in her when I first got access to her, but you get through her scenes and conversations fast enough and then it's all just revisiting the same scenes again. I want to like Atugia more but there just isn't enough of her to get to know

Fable Wolfe

I like Atugia, but I can't stand her sexual content. It's just not my kink and It's kind of disappointing. I'd like to be domming her a lot more often. Brienne definitely gets my vote. It's a close call, but I think she's just the best wife material out of all the charaters; she's so affectionate and flattering, and the way she's written just makes her seem totally obsessed with the player. I love that about her.


love love love kiyoko. but would like an option to increase her breast size


Cait is the best friend a girl could ever have, and she’ll screw anything that I won’t lol.


Kiyoko stole my soul. Cait is a close second but Kiyoko being a kitsune is ... *Drool* that fox is superbly written!

Emily Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-07-15 06:44:09 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.
2021-06-30 17:41:39 Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.

Kiyoko but only because it's companion only otherwise it would be Evergreen.

W. Synth

I'm sorry but I have to choose Rindo. Aw, my heart. She makes me think of Hanako from Katawa Shoujo. ❤