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Hey everyone!
Like I told you last month I had strep throat twice which made things slow.
I then ended up getting tonsillitis that kept recurring
Went to the doc and tests finally figured out I've got mono ( EBV ).
It goes away on its own but it can take months. I've been ill 8 times and felt bad constantly since mid August and this has definitely been that. ( And I got strep on top of it likely due to my immune system being thrown out of wack... )
Whenever I started feeling better I tried going back to the gym and I made myself worse again over and over. I should've taken it easy with physical stuff and work.

Anyways, I've been ill a lot this month too so I'm a bit behind schedule.  I was really worried I had something more serious cus my lymph nodes got all swollen but now I know what it is! I just need to rest.

I was hoping I could get the next game update out on Christmas but I don't see that happening now cus I've been delayed a lot and I don't wanna stress out as I recover fully from the mono.

Thought I'd let you all know since updates might be a bit slacky with all this.

I hope you're all doing good and that I'm finally on an upswing from all this crap! <3



Feel better cyan!


No worries health comes first always


No worries at all, take your time. Get well soon though ❤️

Frog Dimples (Jesse)

Be gentle with yourself, take care, & prioritize your health. 💜✨


oh my god that is so awful im so sorry :((( i hope that stuff clears up quickly for you and you're drinking some nice tea. being sick is the worst and i cannot even imagine being sick that many times. x.x


Take your time, we'll be here for you either way


No worries! Just focus on feeling better friend.


Feel better yo

Geth Who

Wuugh, that shiz is the worst. Take care of yourself, mate, we can wait as long as you need.

Rekt Lunas

Can't finish your work if you're keeling over all the time dude, take care of yourself. I assure you the world won't end if we gotta wait a few weeks/months for an update. You're putting out pretty high quality stuff DESPITE having mono apparently lol just relax for a bit


Feel better man, had Mono back when I was in school, absolutely drains you. Rest up!


The good thing is, you finally know the cause of this all. Get well soon and take your time.


I've lost count of the number of people I have told that exercise is bad for your health! Do take it easy until you are properly fit, and be very wary of the gym!


I said this once and I'll say it again😑 having An update is better than having no update at all, Take a whole month if you need to We need You In good health to keep giving us this good content😏👌 Either way you Told us beforehand so it's all good I'll still be supporting You throughout all this. Take it easy.😁👍❤️

Kaiju Sommelier

Rest rest rest! We all love your work and are excited for the next chapter but your health is the most important thing!


Completely understand, don't worry just make sure you feel better first. All of us can wait a while longer

Edson Escamilla

Hey Man, no worries, take as much time as you need. You are the first artist I'm subscribed to on Patreon because of the quality of your art in a game of this kind. I really want you to keep it on that level, so take it easy and rest to recover. Greetings from México, man.


Np brother, just feel better. Wishing you a speedy recovery

David Espadin

U good man get better soon


Take your time, brother. I'm sending you energy like I would Goku for a spirit bomb.

Leonardo Rocha

Omg, hope you get better soon, and take your time

Basically Anybody

Oh my god take it easy on yourself. Stay warm, stay hydrated and don't push yourself.


Take all the time you need! Rest and pacing is key. All the well wishes are yours!


EBV is the worst, had it a couple of years ago and only found out after six weeks. Such a deceptive illness, you get sick for a few days, think you're getting better, you go outside againd and suddenly you feel like you're gonna pass out. Don't feel bad about taking the rest at all & get well soon!


Take all the time you need! One's health is always the most impirtant

Lord Phoenix

Rest up & get well soon. ^^


The important thing is taking care of yourself first and not do too much, take your time to get some R&R


Don't even stress my guy, feel better! 😁


Don't stress about it cyan! We'll see you next update as always! Get well soon


Oh my word that's horrible! Please take all the rest you need

Yokhana Abraham

Can't work on the game if you're dead, dude. Focus on recovering. Hope you feel better soon!

Ruff Ghanor

Don't worry about it Cyan, just get a lot of rest so you'll feel better soon! (And I hope you feel better soon)

Phillip Raymer

Let me add my voice to the chorus of others in saying, just get worry about getting better.


Really just get better man, love your stuff and I can't wait to see more of it but focus on your health more


Your health always comes first. <3


girl worry about your health


Focus on getting better we are supporting all the way

Frank Kuschmann

Those are really sad news, mate. I wish you all the best and that you will recover well and completely.


Yeah ugh! I've been to the doctors for crap for like 2 months and now I finally got a diagnosis. I got worried cus one of my lymph nodes around my pubes got big and I was like " Shit, is this lymphoma? " so I went to get checked again and they took a ton of tests. No more gym etc for a monthh


My friend, health is most important! please take all the time you need fam


Don't stress over the game, your health is way more important. We hope you feel better and don't do anything that will make it worse. Even if you think it's gone wait a little more just to be safe.


Please don't push yourself too hard! Just make sure watch for your health first


Please take your time and get well. I hope you are still able to enjoy the holiday otherwise!


Get well soon. We will wait for your swift recovery with dick in hand


I'd never joined Patreon, before, and your work was the first I felt I just had to support. Didn't disappoint, MPP is an awesome piece. Take care of your health and thank you for the great work.


Sucks to hear that it's been recurring for you, I know all too well the conflict between wanting to get productive asap after being sick but then also running the risk of putting too much pressure on your body from doing so, and then getting sick again. The communication is much appreciated and I hope you get well soon, we'll be waiting patiently for you!

Jay Masters

Feel better Cyan. Your health is more important.


Get all the rest you need!


All the best to you! Speedy recovery!!


Don’t push yourself too hard!


Get to feeling better! Lots of rest


Hey Cyan, I’ve been a dirt poor struggling artist for what seems like forever now, but the beautiful art that you create never ceases to inspire me and keeps me going. I’ve had strep and multiple times and man it’s terrible. I really hope you have a speedy recovery. I’ll be waiting patiently for ya. Thanks again for all the mind bogglingly amazing content you create. Get well soon!


Oh man. It really must suck to have been ill for so long. Here's to a speedy recovery!


Take care of you, we will wait.


That sucks, take your time and feel better! We can wait!


Feel better bud, take it easy

Nils Rapilly

.hey buddy, take it easy as they say ! That being say if you have some time to DM, id be glad got something to ask ! Take care


I hope you get better. Recovery over updates.


Take it easy homie I just finished the current build of the game and I gotta say it's my first vn and I'm in love with it it's so fucking cute and I love the story so take your time and rest

FKN_ Ralphie

Your health is first bro, my best wishes and a big high, don't pressure yourself.

Tyler Knight


Obed Ramirez

Take your time, health comes first. Hope you get better.