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More action shots!
Sorry for not delivering any lewd stuff recently. I tunnel-visioned on completing the Victoria/Emelie scene early and now I'm left finishing up the SFW part. So you'll have to wait for more tiddy!

Art assets for Chapter 6 are almost all done!
I've got <10 images left to draw, and they're sort of sketched out.

The latter half of this month + The month of May will likely end up a bit sparse in terms of art.
I'm at the stage of the chapter where I will start to really hammer down on  the code/polish/audio.

I don't expect Ch6 to be out in May.
I'm aiming for mid June but it's really hard to estimate.
I will start to draw some Chapter 7 assets before the release too, because I get crazy doing nothing but coding/audio/writing for a whole month.

This update is taking a while cus I'm cramming tons of images into it.
I expect the update after this to be faster/shorter!

Spoilers for the fight beloww!

Rolf barely dodged the eye-poke-attempt! The bull got his finger stuck in the ground and got delivered a good slap right before the round ends.

But now he's got a cut over his eye!
Can you help him out in your new role as a corner cutman?
( There is some blood/wound stuff in this section of the game, you will be asked before if you're squeamish or not- which will let you censor it. )

Thank you so much for your your support!

Play the latest version of the game build here! : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-76247288 It does NOT include this art content yet!

PSDs for these will be sent to the 6$ " Goodies! " tier in the first day or two of May!




I guess I DID actually draw 3 pairs of bewbs for this update! Behind Rolf when he's sitting in his corner-chair. Bronwen,Emelie &amp; the duck gal who's showed up in the BG a few times! I like the duck girl but I kinda want her to be in a commited relationship with the duck-guy. Maybe I'll have some peeking scene of them in the future like the bath-scene with the moose/deer!

Red War Machine

Only need one finger to poke one good eye 😆


Fight scene cool😁 medic here I come😅👍 and getting a lot of sfw Contact that's fine we can get the nsfw contact in chapter 7 I guess. Or am I wrong and We're going a little bit more Before this chapter ends Just curious🤔😁👍❤️❤️❤️ Doesn't matter how long it takes I'll wait for completion keep up the good work😁❤️


Looks amazing! Can't wait to see more, you plan on getting the MC involved in the pit or options to make relations with the girls during the fights? (looking at you bronwen)


Thank youu! Kind of spoilery: Bronwen DOES sort of get more interested in the player because of the actions in the pig pit, but the player barely interacts with ladies in the pit. If anything it's a section developing Rolf a bit. You take the role as Rolf's cutman, so you are involved in the pit between rounds. The fact that you're stepping up for Rolf makes Bronwen like you more. ( Even if you mess up... Which I plan to make it possible to do. Although that will impact some things a little bit, but no crazy story branches ) Emelie also gets a bit shook by the whole ordeal, which is why you go for drinks to calm down after! This is when Victoria shows up and we get the dicc-lesson. Bronwen will have a lewd scene in Ch 7!


There's the huge Emelie/Victoria penis lesson in Ch 6! It's got like 16 images with a ton of variants. It'll be a huge pain in the ass to put together LOL. I've already posted all those pics though! ( The pig pits is the FIRST thing that happens in this chapter. Ch5 ended with them hearing commotion in the pits, so we start out there and then end up with the Emelie/Victoria scene. Then there is a little bit of dialogue before the chapter ends. ) Thank youu!


Superb as always! That cut looks painful 😬


This looks amazing, I just wanted to say that the dedication you put into this project really shows. I also really like your artstyle it makes gives me motivation to one day be as good as you ;-;

Frank Kuschmann

I've always wanted to ask you this, Cyan: Does Rolf actually have a glass eye?


Looking forward to the update! but glad to hear that the next one will be faster :) One of things I enjoyed about your patreon was the consistent 3-4 month schedule you had for the early updates. I've been burned before with H-Game makers creating Pt. 2, Pt. 3... of updates to stretch an arc into a full years worth of "content".


I never thought of it as a glass eye! More just that the damage to the iris etc kinda made it disappear. Often in cartoons when a character has a damaged eye or is blind it's showcased by the eye being completely pale sort of or the iris/pupil getting all light and grey. To show that the eye isnt " working". I guess it could be a glass eye though! I just wanted to show that the eye isnt functional due to him being slashed in it. Interesting thought haha.


I'm not sure how long the update after Ch6 will take but I imagine it'll be quicker to make and a bit shorter. It just comes down to how much shit I gotta draw and put into it lol. ( And if I get sick or something for a week+ that'd impact the development time too.) I don't want to prioritize a faster upload schedule if that means I gotta leave stuff out of the game that I want to put into it. If you're worried about being burned over an update taking really long I recommend pledging whenever an update comes out since you can then just nab it for 3$. I know many people do this and it's cool! Waiting for sure sucks though I agree!

Frank Kuschmann

Ah, you are right, Cyan. I didn't came up of the thought that it could have been damaged by some accident or fight. Similarly, an eye looks like that's suffering from cataracts.


He DOES have a big scar over it to show it's been hurt! But I don't think IRL a damaged eye just absorbs the iris/pupil haha. It's probably just some cartoony stylized thing!


Always love getting the art sneak-peeks for this game. Looking forward to doing another playthrough when it comes out! The updates may have a long timeline but that's what happens when you have so many different illustrations with a high standard of quality. Comes with the territory, I just kinda view it like each update is an issue of a comic since the story is so fun and the art is so good.


Your art is amazing as always Cyan, loving these updates (can't wait to see more of Victoria and Bronwen). btw I posted a lil theory in community, can you take a look and tell me if it's right please


Oh shit I always forget the community tab exists.. I never read through it and I dont get notifications for it


Thank you so muchh! :D Yess I think when the project is done the amount of art etc is really going to benefit it. Writing a ton of dialogue and barely having any new images might be good if I want to get updates out fast that play long, but that makes games a drag to play when finished if you're impatient. But I'm generally not a huge fan of Visual Novels because they have too much text with too little visual variety... I try to make this VN something that I would enjoy playing. Not tedious and fast-paced with a lot of images and goofy choices that keep the player engaged. ( And options to steer the sexual scenes somewhat. )

Bme Remix

When is the next update chapter six

Benjamin Klandestine

World building is immersion, immersive smut is fantastic

Charles Frazier

would you say this is your largest update yet?


Hmm difficult to say. Chapter 5 was pretty big too because I had new outfits for everyone and a lot of backgrounds and stuff, but Ch6 probably takes it as far as amount of new unique art. I don't think it's going to be the LONGEST update though. Because the pacing will be pretty snappy!


When I draw I tend to lean towards replicating other creators artwork instead of my own because I struggle heavily on creating my own style. You have your own art style and it is top tier. How do artist, like yourself, come up with their own style? (or what inspired you to create art the way you do?)


Heyy! I sort of started out that way, drawing a lot of Naruto cus it inspired me at the time haha. ( in 2009-ish ) But I also draw a TON without any references. Which is both good and bad. I then just try to draw what I think looks good, and mix and match whatever knowledge is in my head. This also gets mixed up with my own ability and understanding of light/color as well as my personal taste. This just leads to having your own style eventually! And it also shifts a lot over time. I think I'm recently starting to enjoy getting more and more cartoony, so I will probably push things even more that way. ( Even more exaggerated expressions and stuff, and letting myself go off-model a bit more. ) I don't think "Trying to be unique with your own style " should be the goal, it should be more about drawing/painting things the way YOU like. expressions/colors/designs that fall in line with your taste. You probably have some artists you love the coloring off, and others you like the expressions of, and some you like the hairstyles/clothing of. Then when you sit down and draw, Try to draw all the elements in your art in a way that appeals most to you. Maybe if you go about this in a clinical way your art clashes early on with the various parts not feeling cohesive together, but over time you'll find ways to mesh it all together if you just draw a ton. Even if you just have ONE favorite artist who you constantly replicate for a year, if you then replicate another artist for a year after that and draw without references a bit, you will in all likelyhood mesh things from both together and that mixed with your own skill level will result in something unique. When I look at art I always try to take a mental note of my favorite aspects of it. I think just doing this for long enough and drawing a lot means you keep adding things to your work that you think looks good. And if you draw enough hours often enough you'll have some sort of " consistent " look since it sort of becomes habitual. If you only draw once every 2 weeks you might flip flop a lot with how things look.


Yesss! I draw so much Naruto it’s crazy. It’s also crazy how you just opened a lot of crazy doors for me. When I draw, I just draw. It’s crazy how I haven’t even thought of what I like or how I can even implement many different creators styles into one thing. I’ll take these tips too the grave. You are the best! and Keep up the fantastic work!


That's awesome haha! Yeah at some point in your artistic journey you go from " How do I make this look correct? " to " How do I make this look fun/really good/so it appeals to my tastes? " and it sort of changes how you pursue things in your work. I don't actively think THAT hard about all my influences etc when I draw, it just sort of seeps in I think! Thank you and keep it up!