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My goblin girl Freckle! I decided to sketch her yesterday and I liked the result enough to want to post it!
I think I might want to make some SFW project with her in the future. She's fun to draw! I like the cartoony proportions and the big boots. She's short.

Goblins/Demons/Dragons etc don't exist in the furry universe! So you wouldnt see her show up in MPP haha. ( Or maybe they do but on some far-off contitent. )
But if I did a fantasy project I could totally see myself throwing in a Hog Haven guard as an easter egg.

Anyways hope you like her! When I'm not working on MPP I like to just sketch other ideas!




I love her design, even though she's wears all that clothing, hehe. Great stuff

Kyle Wilson

Love the sketch and the idea of a story involving a female goblin as the point of interest, especially with so much art and other stories involving the "short stack fantasy girls" like goblins, dwarves, halflings and knomes.


A SFW project staring her? I can see it now and I love the idea. Your NSFW stuff is great, but a funny cartoon adventure sounds just as pleasant. Just in a different way.

long a nguyen


★ Cute Goblin Bastard ★

Absolutely love all things goblin! Freckle is how I originally found you homie. It's good to see her get some love again


Thank you! Yeah it would be after MPP so I might be all NSFW'd out. Yeah if I wanted to sexualize her more I would make her curvier with big ol plump lips and high heels and stuff lol. ( Emelie but.. green. ) I still want her to be sort of pretty but the goal wouldnt be to emphasize sex-appeal in every drawing!


It's amazing how stumbling across this artwork is what led me to your patreon, keep up the awesome work!


I mean, I hope that MPP isn't the end for your NSFW content (it's really quality stuff), but if you do decide to focus on SFW after MPP (at least for a while) I support it.


Also (in my opinion,) if you wanted her in NSFW content, the art style is fine as is, and all I would change personally is to round out her breasts a bit. You wouldn't even have to make them bigger, just a bit less pointy. I think creators SHOULD try a variety of styles when designing characters. If all characters were curvaceous with plump lips wearing high heels, it would get old. I would say you should consider that even on MPP, with a wider variety of character designs, but now I'm just rambling. Again, that's IF you saw yourself using her in NSFW content.


I'd love to see this lil gobby more. Maybe in something where I can run around and hatchet things


Bruh wearing the Fable: The Lost Chapters leather boots


Really dig her shoes! My favorite part of her has to be the way you drew her eyes & how her shoes looks like! 😁

Frank Kuschmann

I like Freckle even a lot, Cyan, since I saw her the first time some months ago. I didn't know that she is your creation. In particular I loved that image of her when she swung such a big two-handed axe that you feared she could fly away along with her warrior axe - lol. And her name (or nickname?) suits her very well.

Benevolent Cerc

Yay Freckle! She is such an amusing cutie! my favorite side character.


Thank you very much! :D Haha that is a fun idea that she'd be carried by the weight of her big axe! I drew her with a small one here, but I do imagine she fancies bigger weapons more!


SFW saddens me a bit but I guess it would have a wider commercial appeal. Like mangaka who do make sfw (still echhi) stuff that gets turned into anime, but still make deplorable doujinshi. Either way I'd be down for any Freckle related content.


I think making it NSFW would be a safer bet since my audience is built on it, but I would handle a project very differently if it was SFW vs if it was NSFW. If a project is NSFW you know people come to it for the sexual aspects, so you need to feed that constantly. If the project is SFW you don't have to worry about that, but will need payoffs to be more impactful or funny. ( Since you can't rely on sex being the payoff every time. ) The character designs would also change a ton depending on if it's SFW or NSFW. I would sexualize most girls like crazy in a NSFW project lol.


But yeah after MPP I think I'll be NSFW'd out for a while. At least when it comes to drawing. I could see myself attempting to make lewd 3D models and stuff tho.


Well I feel confident in your writing skills for what its worth. The characters in MPP are very charming and fun to listen to. I never skipped dialogue on my first playthrough (like I usually do in some games) to "get to the good parts". I'm going to savor every minute in the MPP universe.