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( Play latest version of the game build here! : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-64223311 ) It does not include this art.

Some more Victoria stuff! Also coming up in build 0.3 of the game!
( It's turning out to be a pretty huge content update in terms of art assets! <o< )

She has a lot to teach.
This will be a very short scene with just some groping and observing, but I've heard people like her so thought I could add some more chicken lady stuff! I like her too!

PSDs for these will be sent to the 6$ " Goodies! " tier at the very end of the month!




RE: bellybutton question Mammals come from eggs too. Why else would she have nipples &amp; magnificent mammaries? :D


I uh... More chicken mom plz 👀


I had to google the topic more now just cus I got curious. I didnt think lizards/Birds had bellybuttons cus I just imagined bellybuttons were from the umbilical cord which I didnt expect non-mammals dealt with. Seems they do tho in a minor way! Some connection sort of similar but a cord to the yolk sac. then the scar fades over time. I changed the writing a to be more in-line with this information! Even if it makes no real sense for her to have huge tiddies. I like to pretend Victoria has a ton of information she can't help but share so grounding it just a tiny bit in reality is fun.


Love to see some more Victoria.


With how adorable you designed her of course people would want more.

Helen Dingo

"Chicken breasts" was said, but nobody has said the obvious: Chicken Strip


It's a bit of a curse! If you make a porn game and you draw a hot character once people will want to see them fuckin! That's why I made the diner lady a wholesome grandma and not some super stacked cow lady. I gotta pick my battles when it comes to hot ladies!


There was probably a point in my life where I thought a chicken would never give me a boner. Glad I've moved past that point.


How big are you planing on making the game? You said before that version 4 is where the player goes all the way with Emelie but is it going to be the end?


It'll be longer than that. in my head it's ~ 7 "chapters". ( Let's consider each new content build a chapter, meaning I'm working on chapter 3 right now.) So chapter/version 4 will be around halfway. Of course I might add more stuff or split builds up etc but that gives you some sort of idea! But yea things could always change too. I don't have a super firm plan even if I've got a basic outline of the story.

Kendrick Jensen

Your art is amazing Cyan! I can't wait to see what you do next! No rush of course.


Thank you thank you! I'm workin' hard and proggress is going well on build 3! I'm worried about chapter 5 tho. In my head it's very art intensive lol. But I'm excited for it!


I love the whole idea of this game pulling your characters and your world together. I love the cute and lewd nature of your artwork. I hope this isn't the only VN/game you ever make. And I hope 'MPP' is a huge success for you. These art updates make me want to experience the story!


Im happy you like it! I'll see how I feel after MPP is complete! I'm probably going to want to spend time doing something drastically different for a while after haha. Hope the game can live up to expectations!


Victoria makes me go feral. I think that's the body type I feel most attracted to!