2-3,5 years old art download! ( free post for all patrons 1$ and up ) (Patreon)
Heyo! Since I don't have an update this week ( Which I meantioned was likely in my last update! ) I'm sharing some old scraps and stuff.
Most of these images were done around the time I first started posting on FA ( 2013-ish ) So if you look at my first FurAffinity posts you can see where I was at with my finished art at the time of these sketches!
I'm not happy with 98% of the sketches, but they werent made to be super pretty anyways, mostly just for experimenting / exploring characters.
Below is some text about what I did back then in terms of drawing.
At the time of these sketches I drew and studied way more than what im showing here, but most of those studies were either not saved or were done traditionally. From 2009 - 2013 i mostly practiced traditionally to try and get some sort of understanding of anatomy and things . I also did digital art but mostly when doing finished work. I got my first tablet christmas 2009 which was the year I started practicing art to actually get better.
Since all this work is 2013 and forward I'll mention that prior to posting on FA I had maybe drawn furries 5 times or, I had liked the porn for a long time but never really drawn it myself.
Hope some of you find this fun or interesting to see! I don't mind sharing this kinda stuff even if it's the opposite of flashy.
I may post these sketches publically at some point but for now I'm just sharing it here. Thank you so much for your support!