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More Maple! Because the comic I did didn't have any anal I figured I'd draw some.
I'm going to make a followup page to this with 5 panels!

Maple is fun to dress up I think she makes for a hot secretary!

Full res can be downloaded below!




I wish I could hire Maple!!


I expected you to give Maple a break after doing that comic, but wow! For the record, you could draw her every month and I'd never grow tired of seeing her.


Shit I wish she'd work for me too! But you'd need to be filthy rich to hire a secretary of this caliber! I think our best bet is to the beach and wish for the best. A tennis ball to the dome, while destructive, is probably worth it!


Having a lot of fun drawing her! She's pretty different from my other charas with the fur pattern and canine head with the fluffy hair! And I've never been one to draw wolves / dogs even if they're the most common furries, but recently I was just in the mood! Happy you like her! ;U;


I really love maple and I'm very glad you didn't take a break from her!


She's slowly becoming one of my favs of your characters. 😊