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Emelie and futa Clara bangin'.

Ribcage / internal organs? What?

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I realize this kinda hyper  thing isnt to everyones liking, but it's something new I havent tried much before. (And doing the closeups was really fun!) I spent some extra time on Emelie's naughty bits for these too!

I'm going to try and get another finished pic out these coming 2 days but I might not make it in time!




Emelie's pretty stretchy, it seems. That raises all sorts of possibilities all by itself... ^_^ Really nice to see the two girls getting along so well together!


Understandable, Clara couldn't resist the fine little piggly body. I'd love to see more!


Ooh! Normally I don't like "ignoring" anatomy for crazy fun, but you strike just the right balance of raunchy, stretchy, bulging cock in belly to make it awesome. :) Love it!


Thank you! I think it'd be too weird to draw em banging without some bulgage going on! I mean.. clara's peen is just so dang big compared to Emelie's siz. I'd rather disobay anatomy logic than make it look like the penis just fades away in there


Haha her stretchiness knows no limits! :O I've gotten to a point where Nila's penis isnt " going big " anymore.. so when I " go big " I really push it haha. That being said I kiinda have an idea for a character with a smaller peen.. We'll see if it pans out!


we dont need no stinkin organs