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After these latest images I've decided that I will stop uploading images 3 days earlier to patreon.


A few reasons:

  • It sometimes causes complications where people might see an image posted to one of my sites and wants to pledge for the PSD, but then it turns out the PSD was PM'd on patreon a day or two before I posted it publically. 

  • I feel a bit bad when I make quick images for peoples birthdays or w/e without giving patrons a 3 day head start when I advertise that as a pledge reward. It also bothers me when I sometimes have 4 days without a post on tumblr and I post my patreon update, which means I then have to wait another 3 days to post it publically meaning I go a full week without any new posts to my public sites. 

    I would much rather notice " Oh dang, I havent posted anything in 4 days! " Which would motivate me to color up an image.


  • I saw one of my images on reddit and reposted to tumblr before I personally posted it publically, which is something I can't prevent since it's possible to pledge to see the feed and drop the pledge again after saving the images or w/e.. It's easier to control when it comes to PMs etc, but when things are in the feed I can't control people doing that at the moment. 

    I don't like how these users would then be " rewarded " by getting access to the content earlier than anyone else and posting it to their blog for more attention or w/e. 

I think removing the 3 day early access thing is going to encourage me to space images out more evenly instead of every sunday.

Full res, PSDs and sketches will remain the way they are now, the only change is to the 3 day head start.

I don't think many of you are pledging solely to get access to my art a few days early, so I hope you're okay with this change and don't feel like I'm stripping away value from your pledge.

That said I will very likely continue to post art to patreon earlier than other sites now and then for scheduling reasons, but I will no longer hold myself to a strict 3+ day delay.

Thank you so much for your support! If you have any questions about this let me know! c:



David Lee

Most of why I support is to send money to an artist whose work I really really like; 90% of the remainder is to see the sketch packs and see what you're thinking about artistically! Also, some of the more finished sketches you've done are really super neato even if they're never going to get turned into a finished piece, and its nice to see all the might-have-beens. I don't think the "early art" thing has ever been a factor in my decision to support you; I mostly just don't want to miss any of your works. I know that if it wasn't being emailed to me, I certainly would miss things in my feeds on the gallery sites and tumblr.


I've always thought the sketches give the most value to the patreon ( and the PSDs for those who are curious and want to see things deconstructed ) so it's nice to get some confirmation there! I try putting all my doodles into the sketch batch so that way if you keep up with the feed and archive the weekly batches you won't miss out on any of my work! Thank youu!