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Doodled an elephant tea pot and felt a desperate need to make an image based off it! I would buy an elephant tea set in an instant.

( Upon some googling there seems to be a lot of them! I BET THEY ARE WICKED EXPENSIVE THO. ) 

Full res can be downloaded below the image!

This is a dress I've drawn her in before if you've looked through past sketch packs! It's her most SFW outfit for more innocent images like this ;U; 




She's so darn cute, I would mind playing tea party with Emelie.


Haha I bet she has a spare cup! I wonder what tea she prefers... maybe some wacky fruit tasting tea. ( Recently I've been super into this tea with " cream peach " flavor.. it's surprisingly good *O* )


A cute tea set for a cute piggy. This is right.