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Heyo! 4 PSDs ( The two devil hike panels have their own PSDs! ) and a bunch of sketches this update!

I'm not sure when I'll be posting the next update! Might take a few days easy with just some practice stuff cus I've been workin pretty nonstop and wanna take a lil break!

Hope you're all doing ok! It's damn warm over here but my daily schedule is flipped so i'm awake during nighttime.. When I take walks I get swarmed by mosquitos <o<'

Sending files now!




i want nwn


Hi! Could you send the link to the reward? I just made the $3 pledge and I'm not 100% sure how to get the files. Thkx!


Hello! Patrons are charged when I make a post like this, and I then send the files to everyone who was charged! If you want the files for June you have to get it through my Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/cyancapsule If you stay pledged the next time I make a post like this, you will be charged 3$ and I will then send you the files for that update! Hope that makes sense!