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Saw 0Lightsource draw some bionicle stuff ( https://twitter.com/0Lightsource/status/1252379718030000128 )
And since these things were my childhood I really wanted to give it a shot too!

Tried to be super faithful to the toy design but it was super hard to make it look sexy at all so I took a lot of liberties at the end, I feel so-so about it but it was a fun test!

Were any of you into Bionicle when you were younger? I spent all my allowence on em. My favorites were almost always the green ones followed by blues! I didnt know any of the lore I just loved the toys! This generation of toys ( Toa with the armor ) were my favorites and when my Bionicle love was at its peak! I think I bought all the colors of this specific generation!

Full res and variants can be downloaded below!



Travis Akin

Oh heck yeah! Bionicle was the shit back in the day! :D And I think you did a fantastic job adapting the toys to a more "organic" look, one could say? Be awesome to see more like this if you ever felt the desire!


I watched the movie on tv way back when as a kid and I had the Bionicle game on the 360 as a kid too but I never really got into them. Was much more of a Beyblade kid


oh. my. god. I still got like 60 bionicles in my basement. and all gali figures btw xdddd


Dude one of my favorite IRL stories happened when I was in middleschool ( I think I was 10 ) and a kid one year older than me suddenly showed up from behind a corner in the hallway when I was late for class, and he had a Beyblade in his hands and angled it towards me and said " I'll crush your totem " in a serious voice then spun his beyblade right at me, it flew across the air and I sidestepped so it smacked against the floor. Then he just casually walked past me and made sure his beyblade wasnt broken and I kept walking to class. Absolutely insane anime moment out of nowhere lol. ( I did not know the guy, and I did not have a Beyblade on me. It was super random ) But I love that memory.


Thank you! I might give similar stuff a try again, it was fun but tricky! I was FAIRLY faithful to the neck and arms, but other than that it's very tweaked! I never liked Gali's movie design. I never knew the blue ones were female when I was a kid, I had no clue about the lore, I just loved green and blue and thought they were cool. I tried making the mask look just like the toy at first but it looked horrendous haha!


Hell yes! I had so many, I was really sad to see Bionicle was discontinued cus I loved them more than any other toy for a few years. Then I went on to Warhammer which is also plastic only around 10 times more expensive hahaha

Travis Akin

Like you'd said, it's not easy to make those masks look "sexy". Hahaha


It's really embarrassing to think of all the cringey stuff me and my friends did back in the day as kids but I love those trips down memory lane too. That said I think this came out nicely. To be honest with you I can't really recall any Bionicle designs off the top of my head but I think this looks nice even with the liberties you had to take to make it more arousing. As always, I love your coloring and shading and the way you draw boobs.


You made them so cute!! I love it.