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I'm making this post because I've decided I'm not going to draw any finished Emelie ( or Nila ) pictures for the next 3 months at least!

I still really enjoy drawing Emelie but I'm more inspired to draw other things at the moment, and If I don't give myself and you a long period of time where I promise not to draw her I'll feel pressured to as not to let any of you down!

I've drawn her so frequently over the last few years that it's become what a lot of people expect from me, and probably a big reason why many of you pledge to this Patreon.
But now I kinda want to experiment with other things and not just be " The guy who draws the pig girl ".
I hope you'll stay with me and see where things go! You can still expect NSFW ladies from me, just not any piggy ones the upcoming months!

If you're pledged specifically to support my Emelie images I absolutely understand if you choose to cancel your pledge! Thank you for supporting all the piggy lewds up to this point!

I'm also moving in just a day after which I'll slowly get back to drawing, my next update will probably drop the second half of August!

Thank you all so much for your support! And a big thank you to all the 1 dollar pledgers too, your combined support REALLY adds up!



Huehuehuehuehue Best time for Emelie fanart :D

Molly Skyfire

I think it's great that you're letting yourself branch out! Stagnation is the enemy of creativity. I'm looking forward to what you come up with great interest!


Branching out is always a good thing in my opinion. I look forward to seeing where your new inspiration takes you and the art that results from it.


That's totally cool! I just got my new pen display, maybe I do some Emely fanart in behalf of you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You concetrate on your other characters or can we expect soemthing entirely new?


That's great I think, let's see what else you come up with, also good look luck with the move, moving sucks! 👍


That's unfortunate, I love Emelie, and was finally able to sub to you for her. I respect your choice but I dislike it personally.


Thank you very much! You're right, I think it's difficult not to stagnate somewhat when you're constantly drawing the same subject matter!


Haha that'd be cool! I'm not sure exactly what I'll draw! Probably some various monster girlies!


I get how you feel, which is why I chose to announce how i'm not going to be posting any Emelie the next months, instead of simply not drawing her and keeping you waiting. Thanks for the input either way!


Since there won't be any more Emelie for the next couple of months, is there a chance some previous girls will return, like Izara? Also I completely understand this decision, and welcome the new art!


Pretty unlikely to revisit those old characters! I want to draw new things and one-offs etc. I kinda want to draw characters with actual noses too and not furries, I really REALLY want to draw noses for a while haha

Tavon Cooper

I'd actually love to see more of other characters as well! I'm sad that I will have to stop pledging temporarily tho, there are personal matters that have to be dealt with.. you still have my undying love and support 💜


I will be sad without a regular infusion of best piggie, but I will survive. Maybe.