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Heyo everyone! A piggy butt as well as 2PDs ( one PSD file with two drawings in different folders ) this week!

Drew and planned some stuff this last week!  I'd like to make some merch-prep drawings for things like stickers, pins, keychains, boolmarks or stuff like that to change things up a lil' for a while!  Drawing things with the mindset of it possibly being physical merch at some point feels kinda nice after doing so many exclusively digital illustrations!

This might mean some more SFWish images for a while, but I also have some porn ideas I'd like to do! A lot of piggy incoming either way! c:




More Emelie is always great! Question is would the big bad wolf and the beach guy come back too? And I would kill for an Emelie keychain and patch!


beach-guy is just my generic go-to human male guy, so probably! Wolf-man is fun to draw so I think I'll do more of him too c:


Cyan, what program you are using to do this amazing and nice color job? Photoshop? Thank you!