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Hello! No new big images this update cus I'm just coding and drawing a shitton of variants like the makeup variants added to this post. I gotta do this for like all expressions in this update. OTL

Currently working on the sex scene which is why I made the poll the other day!
The scene is very complex.

So far I'd say the update is something like:

Art: 95% ( Just variants left)

Scene Posing: 50% ( Like the sex scenes/makeup scene stuff .)

Character Portrait Posing: 5% ( This should be pretty quick for this update. Most dialogue happens in the CGs. )

Audio: 0% ( I did get a nice song commissioned tho which I'll use in the chapter! )

Writing: 50% ( A lot of placeholder dialogue right now that I'm fleshing out a bit as I pose the scenes.

Testing Bugs: 0% ( I will need to do a bit of that for this update since I'm adding a chapter skip function. )


The chapter won't be out this month. Proggress is going very steady but this update is super heavy on choices that affect the art/posing.
Makeup and the penetration options are a lot to juggle but it'll be fun and will add tons of replayability to this chapter especially!

Play the latest version of the game build here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-99310602 It does NOT include this art content yet!




We got a goth version of the princess!

Myles Pickard

How do I play it I bought the 3 dollar membership and I would like to play it


Hello! Check the downloads here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-99310602


Cant wait for the next chapter