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Hello Patrons!

It's Monday, there's lots to do and I'm already behind on schedule :D

I'm working on a project for the end of the month. I still don't know how many pieces I'll make but here's a taste of one, if you're an ULTRA and you check the Discord, you already have seen two finished pieces:

Thank you to Jada Stevens for the references :D

My cannabis plants are small but they will grow enough to flower, fingers crossed!

My bonsai journey is slowly getting alive too, I just got lots of pots for planting and I'm cleaning the piece of land my dad lent me, I'll show you pics later :P

I have two commissions on the works, hopefully you get to see them by the end of this week. Other than that, we're cool!

The roulette will be done today too! Stay tuned, you may be the lucky one!

And that's it. 

Have a great week!


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