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How was your week? Mine was filled with work and new plans for the near future :D

I wanna start selling this red trees (it's called euphorbia cotinifolia, see below) for both making bonsai/penjing myself, as well as selling them as just decorative trees.

They look like this ALL the time, isn't that great?

In the digital art part, well, I haven't finished last week's winners drawings but it's ok I did advance in other pending work. I have two more commissions to do and 1 1/2 pendings from the patrons.

This is what I need to finish today and hopefully it gives me a bit more time to start the ULTRA drawing for Fusiontech :D

I also just bought some high quality cannabis seeds to grow this season, hopefully they get here fast, I'll make a small light room for them as seedlings.

That's it! Happy Monday to you, I'll make the roulette tonight!



Be a great week, besides all the rain and humidity.