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Hi guys

I've been checking more info about charge post.

So here is a little tip.

You can charge our post manualy so you don't need to wait for patreon automatic deduction at end of this month.   ヽ(。◕‿◕。)ノ゚ 

Thanks so much for your support. ╭(●`∀´●)╯ 

With your help i'll keep up the hard work and make more comic for you guys.




Can you tell me for sure that double Commission will be deducted this month?


Yes because last month i didn't charge for post.So this month i'll charge post 2 times.


Excuse me, if I can give you the Commission for February now. Can I enjoy your latest excellent works first, and I won't deduct double Commission this month? I can't wait!!


Well if you don't want wait you can get the comic on Gumroad Link here : https://gum.co/uCGKA