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Hey guys,

I just uploaded next Attack on Titan episode to the folder, Grisha memories one, mindblowingly good and so very interesting! Also, I'm leaving you with some photos from my Route 66 road trip below the post if you'd like to check them out :)

Hope you're all having a good weekend, I've been a bit better myself,


Witcher: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nzKnzTM5DO706L7qHxdQnbxSOhcmdEy9

Avatar: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1szfaeY_J62U08B0qP5rJH-F2CA83LFjG

Arcane: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-7xWBz8J5y8VRNpxDsgiIDUSSrIxQ_G-

Korra: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qZKMmvERIlWBgqTOoQIjMGV3699OwVMe

Attack on Titan: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Sq89CBW4Wj95ERbJXmf4pyHOR70lkEuy?usp=share_link

The Last of Us: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NC7qvEsF06qP8puq6drUS5K-O5pMOJPd?usp=share_link




This will probably be a long essay lol… To start off, Grisha and everybody wearing the armbands are known to be a race called “Eldians” or “Subjects of Ymir” that can turn into titans. (Btw our Ymir was named after this one). Ymir was known to be the first titan shifter, and after her death nearly 2000 years ago, it is believed that her soul split up into nine different titans. In other words, there are 9 different titan shifters (aka… 9 Intelligent titans) So again the only humans that can turn into titans are eldians. People believed that eldians have ruled and oppressed the world for about 1800 years until the fall of the eldian empire. Which is also known as “The Great Titan civil war”. The reason people hates eldians and sees them as monsters is not only because they can turn into titans but also because of their brutal history. The Eldian King at the time retreated and went to an Island and made 3 walls. So, that is where Eren, and Mikasa lives.. So everybody inside the wall society are eldians too. You also should realize that the wall society basically lives on an island and they make up a small percentage of the world's population. It’s crazy when you think about how much bigger the Outside world actually is. The Island is called Pardis, and that is where elidans get sent as punishment. So this whole time eren and the survey corps have been killing their own people. The world also refers to eldians that live on the island as “Island devils”. Marley is a nation that is currently oppressing Eldians outside of the walls. Marley announced they are recruiting eldians children to become titan shifters which is known as “Warriors” . So if you remember after the “Great Titan War” Marley was able to control 7 of the 9 titan shifters. So in present time Reiner, Bert, Zeke and Annie are eldians (aka warriors) working for Marley. Grisha believed that eldian brutal history is a lie and made up by Marley Propaganda. He hated his father for trying to push his beliefs on to him… But he ended up doing the same with Zeke, and realized he was never really a true father because of how he used Zeke to get what he wanted. Grisha made the same mistake his father did to him. This is a lot, lol.. Hope you rewatch before moving on to the next episode. And don’t worry about the hate you got about erwin… They are just children who can’t handle an opinion. And that Mikasa Bed Hair is the most adorable thing ever lol.

david ammerman

I love your reaction to Mikasa hair. Always trying to see the romance in this show like me lmao


This is fantastic, thank you so much, things are so much clearer now after having read that... also, makes our own efforts vs. titans feel somehow insignificant in a way, we were fighting the wrong enemy all along and the entire world was, in fact, hidden away from us, how horrible... anyway, finished season 3, will upload final two episodes now. Also got my first 10 mangas today :)