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Hey guys,

just wanted to let you know I have uploaded Legend of Korra s03e04 and Attack on Titan s01e24 to the folders today - tomorrow I intend to record final season 1 episode of AoT - then before jumping to season 2 I was told I am supposed to record some OVAs, will probably do that but man, what a crazy ride this has been, that entire season 1. I'll have you know this week I have watched this amazing anime on my own, no recording or anything, and had the best time (it was called Bloom Into You in case you'd be interested, it's about two girls and it's pretty gay and pretty emotional, haha), so who knows where this is gonna go since I'm getting into anime so it seems lol. Long story short I am so excited to record the final episode of AoT, I expect a lot of emotions there since I think it was years before season 2 was out so they probably had to end it on some note, more or less a cliffhanger possibly.

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend :)



Witcher: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nzKnzTM5DO706L7qHxdQnbxSOhcmdEy9

Avatar: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1szfaeY_J62U08B0qP5rJH-F2CA83LFjG

Arcane: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-7xWBz8J5y8VRNpxDsgiIDUSSrIxQ_G-

Korra: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qZKMmvERIlWBgqTOoQIjMGV3699OwVMe

Attack on Titan: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Sq89CBW4Wj95ERbJXmf4pyHOR70lkEuy?usp=share_link

The Last of Us: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NC7qvEsF06qP8puq6drUS5K-O5pMOJPd?usp=share_link


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