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That's a question for you guys. What do you think? There's no right or wrong answers, I'd love to hear different perspectives. I recorded a video about this, overall about fathers of Arcane and I'm still working on it, recording some extra lines, turned out a bit longer than usual. Was hoping I'd post it today but I still have lots of work, better later but when it is what I want it do be I think.

So anyway, what are your thoughts?




I'm not sure, it’s complicated. I want to say "no" because he himself was a toxic individual in various ways. He was pretty much the one that caused the rift between Powder and Vi in the first place, and he never really acknowledges that in any way, he just says everything is everyone else's fault. By our modern standards, he was clearly unfit to be a parent. But on the other hand, I think that, in a way, he was the "best" (more like the least-bad) person for that role that Powder could have realistically hoped for at that point in time. Vi got arrested, so she wasn't an option anymore, and nobody else would have understood her - she was already traumatized at that point. I guess she could have theoretically ended up with Ekko's group, but I'm afraid her trauma could just end up being ignored in that environment. And I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Silco recognizing the issue, but encouraging her to accept the darkness. It's mentioned a lot that Silco further antagonized Jinx against her sister, which was very convenient for him, but that could be said for the majority of his and Jinx's relationship. Ultimately, the scene with the Vander statue proved that he really cared about her I think. With that in mind, he actually had no idea that Vi did not mean to leave Powder. The story that Powder told him was that she abandoned her, and he probably sincerely believed that, especially with how he related to the feeling of being betrayed. I might have missed something, but Sevika seemed to play up Jinx's trauma in a much more negative way than Silco, at least from what they showed us - he was at least *somehow* trying to help her move on from her past and toward the future, even though that future was a dark one. Sevika just straight up kept shoving her toward the edge. And in that final scene, even Vi triggered her. "Picture Mylo" was about *the worst* thing anyone could have ever said to Jinx, like... come on, Vi! I like you, but come on, you really should have known better. Silco was actually the only one who recognized that and that absolutely enraged him. From Silco’s perspective, based on the limited information that he has, Vi truly would be the wrong person to watch over Jinx going forward. The heartbreaking part is that, while this is very blatantly wrong pre-timeskip (even Vi’s faults considered), at this point, Jinx might be so far gone, that that might actually be true.


Interesting perspective! I could present counterpoints. You mentioned that "Picture Mylo" was about the worst thing that anyone could mention to Jinx in that moment - BUT it's about what Jinx was never offered by Silco which was healing her trauma, her deep PTSD. Silco watched Jinx building her cave with all these demons from her past inside and said nothing, did nothing to encourage her healing, in fact he further encouraged it, whereas Vi confronted Jinx straight away by trying to make her realise these aren't her demons even if part of how Jinx felt was built on her guilt - these were her friends, representatives of what was once a good life for her and what now she only associated with trauma. Another counterpoint could be that Silco was at least an option when Vi was gone - except that Vi wasn't arrested, she was ordered to be killed by Silco, if it wasn't for Marcus Vi would have been dead by the order of no other than Silco himself; he then used that lie to feed Jinx's insecurities to further antagonise her and make her believe she was abandoned when that never happened. That's just some thoughts based on what I was preparing, it was nice to read your perspective :)


Aelita has some good points there.👍 But for "Picture Mylo" : I think it was probably the worst thing Vi could do. From Jinx' pov she must have ultimatly broken her oath "No monster is gonna get you when I am here". She actually released the demons at her. BUT how should Vi know this? She doesn't see or hear what we and Jinx see and hear. Yes, she saw the models of Mylo and Claggor, but would it be the first thought that she is haunted by them or rather that she maybe misses her friends (from Vis pov). Keep in mind that Vi isn't a big thinker (really no offence, I absolutly love her). She is emotional and instinctive in her behavior. One voice line of her in game is "Punch first, ask while punching!" I don't think she could figure that out en detail. So in this very moment I would defintly state that Silco knows Jinx much better (and he also knows how to trigger her oc). The whole storyline is just so brillant written that everybode is wrong and right at the same time. Oh oh the misery.... Not sure if this fits your video though.. 🤷‍♂️ And maybe a suggestion for another vid: I would love to hear your thoughts on Ekko and Jinx. What was, what is and what could be. We have already been told that we will see much more interactions between these two... 😉


I have been meaning to make a similar video for a long time now, for sure!