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Hey guys,

first of all I'd like to warmly welcome new Patrons: TidyToeTas, Final Fighter, Tyrannias and Felix, I really appreciate your support <3 

Second of all, I wanna thank you for all the votes under the previous post!

I have decided to go with Avatar: The Last Airbender and that is also the one that got most votes, however that is not the only reason I'm going with it. Since I haven't watched that many animations and Avatar seems to be the most classic and most mentioned one I figured it's probably the one I'd have to start this journey with (even though I still don't believe anything will ever beat Arcane for me but that's a league of its own haha). Are there more ambitious and circulating around more interesting themes animations out there? Sure, probably, haha. But I wanna give this a shot and see where it takes us. Like I said in the video, I will see how it goes, if people like it, but most of all if I am enjoying it and I might start a second one too at the same time since the episodes aren't as long. Might record Invincible as well because it intrigued me.

When it comes to Avatar, I am not entirely convinced just yet, but I was told it only gets better.

Here is the folder for unedited Avatar reactions with episode 1 already processing inside:


Having said that. These days are very difficult, I think for everyone, and I will take all the moments of joy I can. But they are especially hard for our Ukrainian friends. These horrible things happening in Ukraine, so very close to Poland, are heartbreaking and truly it's very hard to believe it is happening in Europe in the modern day. I hope for the best for Ukraine right now, especially for one of my Patrons that is actually from there. I'm keeping you on my mind daily. These are very sad times for Europe and for humanity, but I strongly believe the solidarity we have shown won't go to waste.

Stay safe out there (I don't think me saying that has ever been more true than now),



Tex N7

I couldn't agree more, Ola:( Ukraine is all I think about for weeks now. The world is watching and I can't overstate how proud I am of both Ukraine a country fighting for and to keep freedom, but Also Poland for having the compassion to open there hearts to 1.5 Million people. Also to the thousands of volunteers on Polish soil that are feeding, clothing and relocating anyone that needs help. You all are hero's in my opinion. The world won't forget any of you.