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Hi guys,

it took me a while to finish editing it but I finally did, here's another tape of Patreon Podcast! In the meantime I also decided I'd like to post these monthly around the 10th of each month (so it seems haha). I feel like I could use a schedule, that's something I learned recently.

I hope you enjoy this one and I also hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining too much about my situation when I know there is so many people around the world who have it much worse than me and some of the examples I have given are not even that extreme... but yeah. In this one I'm disucssing homophobia in Poland.

As always recently title comes from The Smiths song lyrics - this time more accurate than ever as the band's vocalist Morrissey is actually gay.

Stay safe everyone, hope you're okay,


PS. If you prefer a youtube version of the Podcast for whatever reason I also uploaded one:



Tex N7

Thanks so much for sharing Ola <3 And Sorry you are being shat on like that. Especially with your friends parents sending a letter like that. Shit like that is not right and really non of there business who you love. As for the Police officer I would have went to his supervisor and give him a tongue lashing! Not only is it non of his business what you two are doing in a free country but to question your intentions and ask why there's no boyz/men in the vehicle is still non of his dang business. My response to that would be are we free to go?


Yes, exactly! I asked him if it's okay to go, but I guess the worst part of it was that we were alone in the middle of nowhere at night. I felt threatened when I shouldn't have. I hope now I'd be more brave and stand up for myself. Thank you so much for listening Noel and for your kind words <3


Thank you so for sharing this. I always wondered what your perspective was on this particular topic, since in my country (the Netherlands), we sometimes talk about Poland seeming to be homophobic. However, I think that you are right in the matter that homophobia is occuring everywhere. I consider the Netherlands being very gayfriendly. However, I have encountered being called out by others when holding hands with my boyfriend and in the park (I did not feel threatened however, because I think bystanders would defend me if it would have resulted in conflict, because most people find lgbtq rights important I believe) or this other time when I was in a bed and breakfast and the maid was trying to prove to me that she wasn't homophobic and was asking personal stuff and giving her approval (even though I did not ask for it or anything XD). I find it really comforting that you have such a loving family and environment yourself (besides that childhood friend and her parents). It really is a shame that your friend at the other side of the country doesn't have the same experience. You always mentioned you wanted to do more podcasts, which seems a great idea. However, right now, I actually like that the podcasts come out rarely. This way, it feels really spontaneous and authentic, like you need to get something particular off your shoulders or if you have a really fun story (like the christmas podcast and you working as a DJ), so please dont feel like you HAVE to do podcasts more frequently EDIT: geez, I am sorry that I am writing a novel again in the comment section


Thank you so much for that comment Samuel, it was an interesting thing to read and also I'm sorry I'm only now your replying. All the best to both you and your boyfriend <3