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Hey guys,

here's the final Gone Home part! This game was a surprise; an intimate experience I honestly did not expect and I'm so grateful there are still games like this one that turn out to be something else than I thought they'd be. I was thinking I should play more games like this one on Patreon, short indie ones. I have a bunch of games on Steam I still haven't tried yet like The Stanley Parable or Brothers: Tale of Two Sons. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

I'm working on two Patreon podcasts right now, one I already mentioned about most random memories and the second one that was suggested by Martin - about my time as a DJ a couple of years ago. Both coming soon :)

Hope you're all well and safe, lots of love,


GONE HOME: Can You Do That? (Final Part)

Patreon Exclusive content. Thank you for all of your support guys. June 7th, 1995. 1:15 AM. You arrive home after a year abroad. You expect your family to greet you, but the house is empty. Something's not right. Where is everyone? And what's happened here? Unravel the mystery for yourself in Gone Home, a story exploration game from The Fullbright Company. Gone Home is an interactive exploration simulator. Interrogate every detail of a seemingly normal house to discover the story of the people who live there. Open any drawer and door. Pick up objects and examine them to discover clues. Uncover the events of one family's lives by investigating what they've left behind.



The Stanley parable and Brothers a tale of two sons are fantastic ideas! Stanley is just an hilarious game, and Brothers has a beautiful story and the main gameplay hook is quite unique. That said, if you do play brothers you need a controller 100%, on keyboard I heard the controls make no sense xD


Gone Home was a great hidden gem discovery for me after it came out free on PlayStation Plus back in June 2016. I was so happy you gave it a shot for the patrons and shared some of your past along with it (that X-files photo)! Ola, you mentioned another podcast during this episode...any chance of putting your podcasts on RSS for Patreon? It would be great to download your podcasts besides having to stream them through Youtube.


Is that easily done? Because I'd actually love to do it. I always found youtube solution a bit problematic, especially since it's a thing one's supposed to listen and youtube cannot be a background app on your phone unless you pay for the premium. I'm going to look into this David :)