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I’m sorry I’ve been somewhat quiet these past couple of days, it’s been one of those weeks; I was really nervous and recording was the last thing on my mind – this always happens whenever I have a doctor’s exam for whatever reason. I always assume the worst and it’s stressing me out plenty. I hate it when I get anxious like that over – what turned out to be – nothing. And I know we have a doctor here on the Patreon team so I must seem ridiculous, haha. Sadly this happens to me often and I’m gonna have to find a way to deal with that.

I was also going through some things on my own as well and I guess I wanted to just sit down and… play Life is Strange. That’s what I did over the weekend, I’m currently on episode 2 and it’s been great, it’s been helping me out, I'm sure you know what I mean. Do you remember when you picked a video for me to record? The one about Life is Strange – 5 years later? I’m still working on it, but I had this moment when I simply couldn’t progress with my script and I got stuck (I don’t always prepare scripts, for this particular video I wanted to though). It was as if I wasn’t really feeling this, the appreciation for the game because it’s been a while since I last played it and I didn't want to simply record it without having felt it - out of respect for the franchise. Right now that vibe hit me again and it hit me strongly. I realised Life is Strange is like a safe space, one of these go-to games whenever you feel down or have problems. It's always helping.

I know some of you were going through some things lately as well and I wanted to let you know I’m here for you if you ever want to talk. I don’t want this platform to be only about what’s happening to me, I love hearing from you – my message box is always open.

Again, I’m sorry all the Life is Strange 3 rumours posts are gone. I hope you still understand where I was coming from.

Also, I’ll be posting early access to the latest Witcher 3 later on tonight – we’ll be meeting Yen, yay!

 I appreciate each and every one of you a lot. Stay safe,


Dan H

Glad you're playing and that it's making you feel better. That feeling of "home" and "place" for me is strongest in Episode 2, the one snap shot in which you see what "daily life" would be like in Arcadia Bay under the status quo - Max and Chloe's reunion growing, Max's general social realities at school, dealing with her powers, a mystery to solve. Hope it's restorative to you since sounds like you need it.


Hey, Ola, don`t be ashamed of fear of the doctors) Some actual doctors can be scared of collegues` medical examination themselves, I can tell) But it is very responsible to fight it and keep watching over your own health despite hard feelings! My professional respect for you, haha) Glad you are out of stress now, we will definetely enjoy to hear your thoughts about LIS-few-years-later. It really is exciting how the same story can be changed in your perception in different spans of life


Thank you so much, you saying that means a lot. I'm really having a hard time checking my results or going to see the doctor, I instantly assume the worst. And I know precisely why I am that way. 2 years ago I went through this procedure, it didn't go well and they had to re-do it because I had some internal bleeding. So it was so exhausting to go through the same procedure twice. It really messed me up, the uncertainty after the first procedure when I could clearly see something is not right. Ever since I've lost trust in my health. But thank you so much for saying it's brave to still face that issue Viktoriia, I appreciate it so much.