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Hey guys,

how's your week going?

Right, so in the last post I was wondering how this new superpower (empathy) would actually work. I now know how.

We will be able to control other people's emotions.

Which is a big deal! First of all, it seems this game will be very emotional, captain obvious. I wonder what's the purpose of that power. I try to imagine a situation in which I'd want to control what others feel and I'm having a hard time. Well, actually, no, I can sort of see that. 

Imagine your friend is mad at you - boom - they're no longer mad. Imagine you have feelings for someone who doesn't like you back - boom - now they do. Imagine someone close to you is suffering - boom - now they're fine. This sort of thing. I wonder what kind of long term consequences that would have for the plot, the game's story? Any ideas? I think it's important to feel all the spectrum of emotions in any given situation in order to work through it and move on. Messing with that could potentially end up being dangerous.

Any thoughts? Hope you're all well :)


Tex N7

Imagine having that kind of ability?? You would have a city full of screaming woman chasing after you like at a Justin Bieber concert ;) Love this idea, Ola! The ability has a lot of potential of being really good :)


I LOVE THIS IDEA! It’s definitely going to cause a lot of drama and intense moments for sure. I think it will be what you want vs what is morally right to do when you use the powers. It will definitely confuse side characters and the protagonist is going to get in a lot of trouble, and will kind of end up as a manipulative monster if not careful. So exciting!