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Hey guys,

so I'm back from New York! It's been fantastic, what a crazy, diverse, overwhelming place, if you've been then you know. I'm not sure I'd keep up with pace of that city, it's constantly moving! I'm going to post some photos soon, for now let me just show you a couple of private pictures from Washington, I have definitely less of those as we've only spent a day there - but we managed to see what's important and that included a White House visit, which is free, but it takes a lot of time to set it up as you gotta contact senators and ask for entry tickets.

While we're at it, I'd like to warmly welcome David into our Patreon family, thank you so much for joining David, hope you'll love it here! :)

Next tape of Patreon podcast is coming either tomorrow or the day after that. I've been so jetlagged lately, I really need to pull myself together, today I slept until 2 pm which was 8 am NYC time so I guess I'm still on that, lol.

Hope you're all well :)



Hope you had a memorable trip and thanks for the welcome!

Didrik Svahn

so have it visit Donald Trump workplace? ;)