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Hey guys,

just wanted to drop in and say hi, hope you're having an amazing weekend! I'm sorry I've been kinda quiet these past couple of days, life got in the way, my cat got a bit worse again and I had some personal things that I needed to take care of - I'm gonna try and upload some content for you guys as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow. Thank you for understanding.

By the way, I'm gonna have new Stop Me Oh postcards printed soon, different than the previous ones so I'm thinking I might re-send them as a thank you :)

Hope you're all well, stay safe,



You're welcome and it's ok no need to explain. I hope things get better for you. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Love you my dear friend and talk to you soon 🤗

Robert Hoffmann

Hey Ola, I'm sorry to read that. But I hope it becomes better with your cat. We would miss her special visits in your Videos. And I hope the personals thinks are better now and you are a bit relaxed there. But anyway, we will wait for you and look forward to every video and signs of life that you send. And yes, I'm curious about the new Postcards. Have a hella awesome weekend and take care of you. And say hi to your girlfriend and give your cat a big hug.