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Hey guys,

so I want to slowly go back to recording one of these days, I've been mostly working on two videos: one is called "The Long Dark, but it's narrative" (at least for now) which is basically a Long Dark gameplay, except with my voice narrating my character's thoughts (that I came up with). This idea came to me as I was playing The Long Dark which is a survival game in case you don't know - visually it's beautiful, the character's lost and needs to survive in Canadian forests after a plane crash and getting separated from her ex-husband William during winter time. As I kept playing I realised it'd be nice to know what the protagonist is thinking, what does she feel like, is she afraid, etc. After all she is alone in the wilderness. Here's a sneak peak if you'd like to check it out:

"I woke up in the middle of nowhere. Cold. And alone. In this lonely and dark place, long forgotten by both God and the mankind. 

I can’t remember much, can’t even remember where our plane crashed, but I know we’ve been separated. I know I couldn’t find you.

Don’t know if you’re alive, William. I can only pray that you are.

It’s only been one night, but I’ve been struggling to survive. I’m not trying to fool myself. If I don’t find any shelter soon I might die. I don’t know if I have the skills that would help me here in this wilderness. Does being a doctor help? It might. But not when it’s the cold that kills me.

It would surely be easy to say this is a test. It’d be nice to feel tested, at least I’d have a purpose. But it doesn’t feel like that. It feels like no one in this goddamn world cares about me. I might die tomorrow attacked by wolves or eaten by a bear. And that’d be it. The end of my long dark. No one would know.

Have you been going through the same thing, William? Are you out there, alone, thinking about me? Are you cold, are you hurt? Or perhaps, you have found help and you’re no longer here. It’s just me now. It feels like it’s just me. There’s no one around but the wilderness. At night I could hear the wolves howling and that made me wonder if this day will be my last one."

What do you guys think so far? I have more prepared, enough to record the first part. It's making me a little nervous because it's not even close to my usual content.

Second video I'm working on is called "Best story driven games" - in that video I will discuss best, less popular games that were centred around good story rather than the game mechanics - like The Last Day of June, Firewatch, To The Moon, What Remains of Edith Finch, etc. I hope to record this one tomorrow.

I will also discuss latest Life is Strange comic book issue which I actually really liked. It felt deeper than the previous ones. 

I'm still struggling time-wise with my cat being sick, going to the vet daily, but I hope I'll be back on track soon.

Oh, also. Happy birthday to Robert! :)

Stay safe guys, I'll talk to you soon,


Tex N7

Love those ideas Ola:) As always take the time if you need it. Tell Robert Happy Birthday for me! Hope both of you have a great Friday:)

Robert Hoffmann

Thank you, Ola and Thank you, Noel