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Hey guys,

so as you know I'm in the middle of a little recording hiatus, taking my time to think about videos I want to record, etc. But Patreon Podcast is NOT on hold :)

This one is a pretty special one. It felt like something I needed to record mostly for myself and my own peace of mind. It's also probably the most personal yet. I hope you will enjoy it.

I've been thinking about some video ideas, soon I will share them here, it'd be nice to hear what you think about them :)

Have a great weekend, you guys rock,



Patreon Podcast: Tape 4, Side A - Story of a certain relationship

Background song: Kavinsky - Nightcall



Same reason as always, I was scared. Scared she would respond, and scared she wouldn’t. I was a stupid kid, and I didn’t know what I was doing, or what I wanted. I don’t know if I’m doing that much better now, but I think I do know what I want, just too shy to do anything about it. :)


Oh, I thought you were already an adult back then :) I totally feel you :)


This was incredible to listen to. It felt almost surreal, but then again, I sometimes forget everyone has struggles. The story of this podcast and the one of the podcast about your best friend reminds me of a friend I had in primary school. We were unseparably and liked the same things (or at least I though so, if we would ever encounter each other now, I don't think we could be friends), but we were young and did some stupid shit, you know get in trouble like little boys sometimes do. We argued, but in the end we were always pals. One day, I discovered that his mum disliked me. She thought that I was a bad influence on him. I don't think I was actually. He just did stupid things when I was around and I was not always the kindest person (I am not the worst to admit that), so I could imagine why she thought the way she did, but I disagreed. We went to different secondary schools, but promised to stay friends (or we did not verbally made an agreement on that, but I thought it was obvious, I don't remember). One day, he just messaged me on MSN messenger (do you know what platform I mean?) and told me that I did not want to be in touch in anymore, because of what his mum said. I tried to convince him that his mum was just paranoid or something, but he did not listened and that was the last time I heard from him. I felt broken, because I struggled making new friends back then. I was quite a shy person I think. I became a bit isolated and did not have a good relationship with my dad. At the end of first grade in secondary school, we were allowed to write down two names from two classmates and the school tried to get you in the second grade with those two persons (do you understand what I mean, you basically choose your own classmates). I did not have many friends in class so I could not care. I wrote down a name of girl that I knew sinds primary school that went to the same secondary school as I did and a random name of one of my classmates. The next year, the teacher assigned me next to the person of the random name and he and I became very close friends. Hell no not just friends, he feels more like family to me. This is a one of a "everything happens for a reason" things. I wonder how my life would have become if my best friend from primary school did not completely cut me off out of his life. What do you think? We probably would go our own ways somewhere, because I have changed and he hasn't I think. A few months ago, he posted a video on facebook where he was drunk and he danced on the counter at McDonalds with is pants off (I am not kidding). My story may be long, but there is still one thing a wanted to share. Half a year ago, I worked at a department store, and his mum was in the store. She proplably did not recognise me, but it was still very weird to see her. I felt angry, because she was directly or indirectly responsible for me being at a low point at the time, but simultaneously she had problably already forgotten and it happened a long time ago and I may not be the awesome person that I am now and would may not have the awesome friends I have now. Maybe I am overanalysing this, but this was a story of mine in which I never got the closure I needed. EDIT: Sorry for my ridiculously long story XD


MSN... those were good old times. I never used MSN but I know these Messengers had back then. I just used a different one :D Cutting off a friendship from one day to the next was an idiotic move from your friend's mother. She surely motivated your friend in writing that message. I guess she was just mostly caring for his son. Some parents don't accept friends of their child when it does not fit their "picture" I'm not a fan of that view!