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Hi Patrons,

I am back with Patreon Podcast! One of these days I will also post next Spider-Man part, I've already recorded it :) this time around I'm discussing teachers' situation in Poland, there's been a strike going on so I've been thinking about it quite a lot lately and I decided it's a good idea for a podcast. I'd love to hear your thoughts as well - how's the teachers' situation where you live? Is it a respected profession? Did you have any teachers that influenced you? Are teachers earning enough money? Let me know if you want, I'd love to hear about that.

By the way, thanks to your support <3 I was able to buy a great vlogging camera so there's more vlogs coming on my channel. In that very podcast I showed you some of the footage I've recorded with it.

Hope you guys are all well! Take care and stay safe,


Patreon Podcast: Tape 3, Side A - Teachers' Strike

What I talked about: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-poland-strike/polish-teachers-strike-over-pay-after-talks-with-government-fail-idUSKCN1RK0PV Music source by Muciojad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g51SGEecnsc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkXODyRT5mw



As far as teachers go I never had a bad experience but other than that I had it pretty rough in school I was always bullied and shit. I feel that teachers should get paid more and deserve more respect than they are given considering that for like 7 to 8 hours of the day they have to put up with some kids that verbally/physically abuse them and give them a hard time


That's also a good point, I hope it's not like the teachers were ignoring you getting bullied? Also, I'm very sorry to hear that. To be fair, I also had so many teachers that weren't really destined to be ones, but I believe since this is what the job offers - so average conditions - it also brings in average people sometimes I suppose.

Tex N7

That's really 2 bad about the teachers in Poland Ola. Our teachers here don't put up with a lot of crap. If the kid gets out of line it's off to the principles office. (Headmaster if we were at Hogwarts<3) and he usually decides what to do with you. I myself was a little bit of a trouble maker in school but nothing really 2 bad. As for the teachers I had some really good ones, and I can count 3 really bad ones. But overall a solid place to be taught. Teachers are well paid..on average about 62K a year. Really they may cry about it now and then, but they are well taken care of in Canada. In my area anyway. Thanks Ola!


That Hogwarts line <3 I wouldn't expect anything less from Canada, only the most perfect country in the world, haha. I guess principals here also intervene in a lot of the cases, I just think some teachers that I mentioned were quite young and easily dominated. I guess that's the problem as well. I'm not sure how it looks like these days, it's been a while for me 😉