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Hi guys,

so first of all I'd like to welcome John, new patron, I hope you'll like it here! :)

Second of all. For the past weeks, on and off, I have been working on this new video I mentioned here and there: an in-depth Joel and Ellie analysis, their story, relationship and most of all Joel's final decision discussion. It's going slowly, mostly because of my exam preparations, but I already have like 7 pages of script ready and one of these days I will hopefully finish it, haha.

What I'm posting here today is script's first page photo. It's still a draft though, keep that in mind. Hopefully you will find this video interesting - also, if you have any thoughts about game's final choice, like was Joel right to save Ellie? Did Ellie know what Joel did? I'd love to hear them, at this point I'm a bit stuck so any feedback is much appreciated!

I'll see your around guys, I'll be back soon with more content!




Thank you so much Ola and can't wait to see the video hopefully you will get to finish it soon. Good luck with your exam