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just wanted to let you know thanks to your support I'm almost half way there when it comes to me saving up money and getting a new PC, optionally a new, better camera - which is absolutely amazing!

Soon I'm planning to post more Patreon specials - most probably some gameplays and Life is Strange content, I want to focus on things you'd actually enjoy - if you have any suggestions when it comes to theory videos let me know!

When it comes to personal stuff, March will be a difficult month for me. I'm taking a bar exam by the end of it - which lasts 4 days, 8 hours each day and it's absolutely exhausting. I'm stressing out about it a lot, thankfully middle of next week I'm starting my days off that we can take in order to prepare for that (though most people I know are already preparing, I wasn't able to get more days off...). Keep your fingers crossed. I'm not sure I need that exam in my life, but it's taken a lot of effort (and money) to get to that place so it would be terrible not to pass it.

By the way, I decided to be more transparent when it comes to my Patreon earnings - I know it's not something we do in everyday life, discuss our financial situation, but I feel like on Patreon - when it's you guys that are supporting me and contributing - it's only fair if I'm transparent about it.

I'll see you guys soon and take care :)



Ah I see! I'll keep my fingers crossed and wish you the best of luck!