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Here's one more thing I wanted to share with you tonight - and it's actually something that one of my patrons sent to me after watching my New Year's wishes video (to lift me up I suppose - which was very nice) and tell me that my channel's not actually growing slowly. 

Now, this guy's running two channels, first one (his main channel) is mostly about comedy and his second channel - this one - is for sharing random thoughts. In that particular video he's discussing his channel's growth mathematically speaking and his conclussion was quite interesting. It seems like his channel kept growing - if I remember correctly - according to a certain algorithm - to the point where he was able to predict how much his channel will grow in the upcoming year! I don't want to repeat what he said, also because I am not even able to :) but here's what's important - by the end of 2015 (if I remember correctly) he only had about 500 subscribers, by the end of 2016 - around 1800. These numbers only kept going up - now he reached 340.000 subscribers (!) and he's predicting he will reach one million by the end of 2019! All according to his algorithm, so based on observing his channel's growth.

And why am I sharing this with you - you might ask? In this very video he did mention that he made a bet with his patrons, they tried to guess how much his channel will grown in the upcoming year. I'd like to do the same. Try and make a guess - a year from now we'll see who was the closest to the actual score. Now, you don't have to be nice just for the sake of it - if you think my channel will only gain one more 1000 share it, I won't be offended :) personally speaking, I'd love to reach more than 10k subs in 2019, but who knows what's going to happen, I can never be certain. Bel here, so one of my dear friends and also a youtuber, knows very well how much effort it takes to keep the channel growing (you guys should check her out by the way, Bel Jay Lemm on youtube). Anyway, I figured this is something interesting we can start this year with. If you want to be mathematical about it - I reached exactly 1k subs a year ago and I currently have  5,665 subscribers.

If you care to guess I'm all ears :)


Today My Theory Was Proven Correct | Joe Scott TMI

My channel hit the goal I set at the beginning of the year. Here I explain how I made my prediction and what that means for the next year.



I am the worse on mathematics stuff amd unfortunately I am too stupid to fully understand the speech of this guy, but only for my fault XD Anyways, I think you ll grow enough to reach 10k by end of the year. Worse case scenario 8k. Of course for u I d wish a million!. Growing on YouTube is more difficult than past years but genuine people are appreciated.


You should always be careful with estimating such values. It totally depens on what channel you're looking at and what/ how much content he or she makes. It also depends quite a lot on when you do which content. You know I wasn't surprised at all when you had a huge growth of your subscribers about one year ago. You made a lot good videos about a game that was very relevant at the time. It still is relavant but not in the "beeing mentioned deeper in a lot of videos way". Of course I'm talking about BTS. Then you did the Walking Dead Videos which was "subscriber-wise" ok. Simply because it was already shown years ago on other channels. I did compare the channel of Joe Scott with Zeo. That german youtuber I mentioned here and there. They made similar subscribers in about the same timeframe. Not equal but I think comparable. Joe had more higher peak-like growth moments. Zeo on the other hand had more Linear-ish growth rates throughout the years. Maybe Joe was picked up by the algorithm when he made the right video(s) in the right time? That also happend to Zeo but not that often. With that said and having watched the video I'm 99% sure you will have 10k subs at the end of 2019. From there on it depends on what videos you wana make. Now talking just for the numbers - if you show more games on your channel that were more relevant year(s) ago you will get less subscribers than if you show games that show up in 2019 or games beeing more relavant for whatever reason in the media again. If you hit the right videos in the right time I would estimate your subs up to 20k or maybe if it goes really well up to 30k? But - You probably already know that by trying too hardly on focusing on something you can achive the opposite result so just do it like you always did before. Do the things because they bring you joy and not just for the numbers. Nevertheless you can of course make an extra video here and there if it fits and does not seem pointless ;)