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so this is bit of a heads up video, I wanted to share some stuff with you, as well as update you on my plans. 

First of all, I previously mentioned I changed the tiers a bit - right now, anyone who pledged 25$ or more will get a monthly shout-out (among other things, latest one in the powers theory video), anyone who pledged 10$ or more will get a Stop Me Oh postcard and I also made a change - anyone who joined the 1$ or more tier will get an invite to an exclussive Discord server channel, here's the permanent link, it should always work, make sure to join and discuss stuff, the point is to create a community so I'm thinking the more the merrier when it comes to Discord! When you join, make sure to say hello so we can give you a proper role (unless it's automatic, I don't even know at this point, there's a moderator in charge of that, haha). 


Happy Life is Strange day everyone! It's 7th of October which means Life is Strange events STARTED TODAY. I wish I could stream Life is Strange, it seems like such a perfect occassion, unfortunately I have an exam this upcoming Saturday, meaning I have to study :( 

Other news is, I might drop the Spider-Man playthrough. It's not doing well, not nearly as good as Life is Strange or The Walking Dead let's plays, or even quite stable The Last of Us. I wish I had more time to record all the games I want, but that's not the case at least for now. I do want to announce I'm planning to record a horror game since we're approaching Halloween and I've been thinking about it for a couple of months now. I get scared easily so it's a challenge for sure. At this point, I'm thinking it should be Until Dawn - what do you guys think? 

And last but not least - I still have to figure it out, but I'm planning to release a periodical Patreon Podcast for Patrons only. Not sure about the details, I'm going to focus on it after my exam, I'll keep you updated.  Again, thank you all so much, you're making a difference!

Happy Life is Strange day! 

Stay safe,





I think I'm one of the people who enjoys your Spider-Man playthroughs as much as TWD and even more than The Last of Us. For me it would be sad when you completely drop it :( Maybe you can record like one playthrough per month or so?


Okay, I'll think about it after my exam 😊 I did enjoy recording it.