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Yeah, I'm that trainer. I'm known through out most if not all regions for having one of the, if not the, strongest Incineroar in history. He's bigger than life itself, a pro wrestler with an undefeated title for 3 years in a row. There's so much to be proud of with him. There was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears that went into getting to where we are now. If I had to I wouldn't hesitate to go through this all over again.

They say the stronger the bond between trainer and pokemon the stronger the team. That couldn't be more of an understatement between me and my Incineroar. Every time the fight is looking grim, every time the announcer blares out his lost of hope words, every time those money grubbing assholes think they finally exercised their money in a way that it would profit them. Every single time... we beat the odds. I'd cheer for him till I lose my voice. There's not a spare time we don't use to train so we act alike, think alike... to the point we can even read each other's mind.

We are always 5 steps ahead because we need to... we have to. I've been accused by trainers and researchers for having some secret in my training. Some substance or consumable, it's always a scapegoat with them. Every single time I lay it down to training and nothing more. We train day in and out. I keep him in a good diet, lots of protein, low carb intake. Usually a pokemon that constantly exerts a lot of energy like my Incineroar need some kind of relieve or they will go into a heated overload. Most trainers often take their pokemon to a daycare... the special kind of day care.

Now there are other ways most trainers relieve that pent up fire within their pokemon. That life that can only be temporarily sedated. Some are taken to a special incubation, the cheaper end are done with the pokemon inside a large tank submerged in fluids. The more expensive ones can be done while the pokemon is inside it's own pokeball. There are injections, therapies, but some like me still prefer the more natural way where we let the pokemon themselves exert all of that vitality out. We do this to avoid injuries, both physically and mentally. Luckily no one has ever bothered to go deeper into that when it comes to me and my pokemon.

There have been assumptions that I just let my own pokemon handle each other in privacy. I will let them continue with that assumption. Whatever it takes to keep what me and Incineroar do. You are safe to think that this is my secret weapon. My secret behind the training. I don't view it as so. To me... there's nothing different between taking my pokemon to a special daycare... or handling him on my own. Perhaps it's the taboo aspect, perhaps many in the pokeworld society frown upon it.... but you have to admit the results I have none can come close. Is it dangerous? Perhaps... Worth it? 100%!

I know what your next question would be... what's the reasoning behind it? Well remember the saying 'the stronger the bond between trainer and pokemon, the stronger the team'. So I thought to myself 'well why not go all the way?'... It sound scary I know, specially depending who your pokemon is, I have to say it's... difficult to make such a bond with just any pokemon. Maybe some time in the future someone might proof me wrong. Now I know what you're thinking. My incineroar is pretty large... does it hurt? Yeah... couldn't hurt any better though.

The level of intimacy between me and my pokemon is incomparable. After a few hours at the gym, just when he's hit his peek is when we sneak off. Either back to our house, our hotel room, or cabin. Once we are alone we let go of our fears and replace it a deep monstrous need. I know you might think it dirty... but sometimes you have to get down and dirty to achieve a title such as the best. Every single night we pass out either on our bed or the floor... hell on the extreme days we barely make it out of the tub. My body aches so good the next day and it feels like I can take on the world and I know he feels the same way too. Our behavior is almost that of twins.

Not a day goes by that I don't want to have a taste of him... not a day goes by that he picks me up and pulls me tight against him. His scent is intoxicating and he kisses me like he's starved for something he cannot reach. I can never get tired of running my fingers nails into his fur... feeling the molten heat underneath his skin. His breath on mine... his signature on my skin that disrupt the meaning behind trainer and pokemon. Some days he takes it slow and sensual, it's something hard to explain that I've only seen between pokemon breeding. Pokemon meant to have life partners... on other days I feel like I've got a tight leather collar around my neck, leading up to his powerful grip. It takes my breath away every time, makes me dizzy, and light headed and no matter how many times he pushes me over board I always fall on his arms.

I'd say considering no one knows what my "secret technique" is, we've done a very good job at hiding it.



