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I told myself when I finally graduate college, I'll take some time to rest back home before I leap into the real world. Though to be honest it felt like I've done that half way through college. Either way the day finally came. I had my diploma, the parties came and went, and the 4 years I took to bust my ass studying had finally paid off. I have several companies interested in my workmanship.

Above all else there was one specific reason I wanted to go back home. That was to go visit my pokemon. Growing up I had one and only one pokemon. I was never the kind of kid to have several. I found my first pokemon and became best friends with him. At the time of course he was just a machop and I was a young kid who didn't quite fit in with the crowd. I was always against making pokemon fight each other. Go figure I ended up with a fighting type huh? Still fighting types had other favors in their fields over just plain fighting. He did come quiet handy when I tried learning martial arts! I took a class that allowed you to join in with a pokemon, that ended up being one of the many cherished memories I had with my little pal.

Not that I can call him little anymore. I was told he had evolved to a machoke while he helped my dad at work. Though I was sad to miss it I was very excited to hear the news and see him on cam. It's hard to believe he was the same pokemon! Always super cheerful, he stuck by my side through out all my childhood. We were inseparable...

Then came college. Leaving my little buddy behind was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. When you grow up with someone who always had your back, never got into arguments with you, yeah we had a tiff or two, but they were very few and far in between. You end up getting very attached. Time apart helped me put some distance and helped me find out things about myself I didn't know. Like what I liked, things I enjoyed doing.

That was all behind me now. As I got off the station and did the hike down to my parents home I could not believe that my machoke had grown to become such a gargantuan of a pokemon. We barely recognized each other as we walked passed one another. He was headed over to the lumber yard, returning some heavy machinery that he carried over his shoulder. We both stopped once we had crossed paths, turned to look at each other at the same time as if we questioned who was it that we were seeing. We didn't even have to call each other's names before we rushed each other. He dropped the machinery and almost took the air right out of my lungs when he swooped me up into a powerful hug. I couldn't believe just how BIG he had gotten. The camera didn't do him any justice. The first few minutes we spent looking each other up and down, each other's hands exploring the other, pulling cheeks, ruffling my hair, squeezing his arms, not to mention I couldn't finish a single sentence that came out of my mouth.

I had even forgotten where I was going as I tagged along until he got his chore complete that by the time we headed back to the house the sun was setting. I went through the greetings and the chatting it up for hours, even right through dinner it was reminiscing stories, adding new ones, and savoring the sweet tastes and smells of home. I told them where I was staying since I didn't plan on stealing my old room that was converted into an office, but the look I saw on my machoke's face when he realized I was going to go away even if it was just for the night broke my heart. So I ended up inviting him over to stay the night with me. Even if he hadn't given me that look somewhere inside I knew I was going to ask him anyways. He was over joyed and so was I. We had spent far too long apart, we felt like our old selves again. The drive to the hotel we spent talking each other's ears off... well, mostly I did.

Save to safe we took turns showering for the night but there was no sleeping in our horizon. We just stayed up and talked some more. I spoke more about school stuff that I felt comfortable sharing with him than I did with my old folks. I don't know why I felt comfortable sharing the things I did with him. Maybe it was because he was a great listener, but I didn't feel the need to hold things back. Everything from my drunken nights, to the failed relationships, to a deep exploration of myself, mentally, sexually.... I couldn't help but catch him blushing as I told him about my endeavors. Before long I eventually moved the conversation to him and how he had explored his life now being a machoke and all. I know pokemon reached a sexual maturity too and I was curious to know if there were any cute nidoqueens or wigglytuffs or maybe the town chansey that he'd try to put the moves on. But he shook his head to every single one of them. I kept pestering him on the subject of course. I couldn't believe such a large amazing pokemon like himself wouldn't had gone out and explore himself as well.

Then it happened. I caught him glimpsing down at my lower regions. It wasn't until I realized that I had grown so comfortable sleeping in underwear alone that I had forgotten that my pokemon had only ever seen me in pajamas. Of course there were some really humid nights I'd go to sleep in underwear alone... but back then I was young, now I had quite a physique. One that it seemed my own pokemon couldn't help but sneak in a look. I don't know why my thoughts suddenly took a hard turn, but they did and there was nothing I could had done to stop my brain from going overboard. My questions became more personal. I tried to pry into my old friend to see where he was in life... It seemed like he wasn't really interested in the females of the town... or in anything at all.

That's when I got... bolder. Teased him about not having any personal time to himself to... relieve urges. I know I would had died by now had I not been able to explore myself and my body sexually. The more I spoke about it... the more he blushed... the more his eyes traveled down from my own gaze. It wasn't until my eyes did some exploring of my own and found him to have a bit of a chub himself. My heart was racing and the room felt... oddly humid. Taking in a deep yet quiet breath I sat up right in front of him and asked if he... perhaps needed help exploring his own... physique...... I've never seen him so shy and red in the face all at the same time. He had no escape route so he did the only thing that made sense to him, was to cover his own face with his hands. Seeing a muscular and hefty pokemon in such a vulnerable state made my toes curl and my cheeks sting.

I tried to help him settle and relax. I wanted this to be as natural as ever. I even decided to go first, I got out of bed... dimmed the lights since there wasn't a need for them and stripped out of the only article of clothing I had on me. I couldn't believe how quickly I got excited, it was almost a tad bit embarrassing that I seemed to have the hots for my own pokemon. Specially after he hesitantly doing did the same and let his monster of a penis out to bounce in the air. A strong shiver ran up my spine... and I couldn't tell if my jaw would drop to the ground before my eyes bugged out of my head. I didn't want to ruin the moment so I quickly composed myself and walked right up to him. I would of pressed my body against his large physique if something so large didn't keep me inches away.

We had been frotting without any intentions of doing so when I went in for a hug. It was such a strange sensation having my own pokemon, nude, pressed up against me. The feel of his rough skin on mine... his large bulbous fingers squeezing me in closer... the earthy hay scent on his skin.. I practically melted in his arms. It was all oh so new and yet not. How was a hug, something so common between us feel so foreign and new, besides the face that we were both naked... and his gigantic length kept our hips apart. I felt him trembling and I know it wasn't because he was cold. I gave him a reassuring smile... and asked if it was really okay for me to help him with this. As nervous as he was I could sense how much he wanted this. Not with just anyone but with me. As if this was some crazy fantasy he had in his head since the day we parted.

There was a lot to catch up on... but more so now that I stood completely naked and bare with my childhood friend. We were growing up all over again, but this time as adults... maybe even more than friends.

The end~



Teaf Sochi

Your trainersXpokemon stuff is literally my favorite thing out there <3

Edward Anderson

I gotta agree with Sochi. It’s the BEST!


Very nice~

CJ Toyger

Just like Machoke I'm speechless 😍


this came out amazing :3 would love to see a continuation~