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One couldn't ask for a better team mate than Renamon. She had all of it going for her. Wit. Strength. Speed. She was as smart as a whip and always dependable. She always had a sort of sixth sense when it came to me being in danger. I guess years and years of battling both in the real world and digital world did that. I never shared that sense of danger for her, it was just something I was always aware of.

Still I can always tell when everything wasn't alright. After years of being a team I noticed pressure was beginning to take the better of her. She smiled less on days she'd normally be in high spirits. Little things began to bother her more and more. She always seemed agitated like something was digging into her and there was nothing she could do to get rid of this sensation. I figured she just needed a break. Over the summer we went to a resort of sorts in the digital work and she got the works. Everything and anything that both her and I thought would work. In the winter we even tried a human resort and try after try nothing worked.

I had almost given up hope until I was hanging out with a friend and his veemon. He understood exactly what was happening since he and his digital partner had gone through the same thing. Luckily he was more savy with digital monsters than I was. He even created a card specifically for this kind of issue. He had lent it to tamers who have similar complications with their partners and now he had lent it to me. He said the success rate of the card was 100%, no one whom he had lent it to have had a failure and their digital partners went back to normal after it's use. There was no way I wouldn't take him up on the offer. But before he gave it to me he asked how dedicated I was to my digital partner. He gave me a serious look and said "If you're not 110% more dedicated and willing to go to any EXTREME for Renamon then don't use it".

I took the card from him and looked it up and read the description he had written up for it. It was a heart along with a needle pouring some odd pink fluid into. As my eyes darted left and right reading the more they shrunk in disbelieve. I looked at him after I read the entire card and he still had that same serious look on him. "..... 100% success rate?" I had asked and he nodded again. Never did I ever think this was what renamon needed. I mean, I knew digimons had needs but... now that I think about it, why on earth did I ever rule that option out. They have needs... just like us. I thanked him for the card and told him I'd return it by next week. Before I left of course his veemon had stopped me and said he had fought along side renamon in a few battles and said this had dragged on for far too long I may have to use that card several times. He followed the comment with a grin.

Those words kept resinating in my head. I finally got back home and waited for the next day, my schedule would be free and I'd have more time to focus on Renamon. I called her in and sat her down on the floor with me, explaining to her that I wasn't a neglectful digital tamer and I had been paying attention to her particular situation. She seemed surprised that I hadn't just given up. I explained to her who I got the special card from and, if given me permission, I'd like to use it on her. She was hesitant at first, I wasn't really sure if she understood fully what the card would do, but she agreed to it in the end. I pulled my digi-device from my pocket and swiped it right through. The device gave this weird pink glow to it and while I was busy wondering if the device would blow up from how much it was heating up, renamon had gotten on all fours, staring at me like a hungry fox.

She slapped the digi-device from my hand, sending it scrambling across the floor and latched onto my face with her big paws. Next thing I knew, her nose was pressing against my cheek and her tongue was inside of my mouth. I was in so much shock in the moment that I couldn't help but freeze for a good whole minute. My digimon was making out with me. It's as if the card unlocked whatever it was she had been holding back all these years and it came out in a fiery storm. Her taste was different than anything my tongue had ever savored. I kissed her back and she kissed me harder. Next thing I knew our tongues were wrestling from mouth to mouth. It was rough and sloppy and it felt like it lasted forever.

Before long I was overheated, in the instance where I had taken my shirt off she took it upon herself to tug my pants down and off. She shoved her nose into my stomach and trailed it down while looking up to me. I was overwhelmed by her actions and her heart filled eyes. I knew what she wanted and it's not like I didn't want her to take it, I feared it wouldn't be enough, not with this level of... hunger. I'm not sure where she learned to do the things that she did or if the card came with this unique experience but she had me gripping the sheets behind me for my dear life. The sensations were intense and while her tongue was attacking every inch of my length the card fell to the ground. I gripped it in my hands, looking at it with trembling eyes as I felt myself being tugged to my limits. I arched my head back, my legs spread and my toes curled and I came. The susceptibility to her aggressive lust drained me so quickly. I pushed her head away a little too late when I realized I had just orgasmed into my digimon without giving her a seconds notice. Sadly I wasn't able to stop my dick from finishing what had begun and now I felt like an even bigger jerk. The mess I could of done in her mouth could of been less than the mess I made over her entire face.

Knowing her I thought she would be furious. When I opened my eyes and I regained some tingle in my legs I witnessed a partial satisfaction in her face, along with a thirst that had yet to be quenched. She rolled over onto her side and presented herself to me. My mouth went dry at the sight of Renamon being so incredibly needed... she practically begged for me to help her, sedate her, tranquilize the burning urge flowing through her veins. My mind operated on its own. I gathered strength and found myself scrolling my phone back to my friend. With shaking fingers I managed to type that "it wasn't enough..." just like his veemon said. I saw the three dots appear and I felt like I waited forever before he messaged me back and said "I'll bring help, don't stop." I looked back at Renamon and dropped my phone into the carpet. I didn't need to look down, or touch myself, lord knows the pressure building in my nether regions told me everything I needed to know. The sight of Renamon touching herself while looking deep into my eyes gave me any strength I lacked.

It had been an hour or two before the blur that had occur caught up with me with the sound of my doorbell going off. I covered myself... partially as I invited my closest friends up. When I looked over at Renamon who had recovered and seemed to be more at ease than she did a few hours ago she was a bit confused at seeing my friends gather in my room. I walked past her and grabbed the card and the digi-device before presenting them to her. Her eyes lit up in an instance and I knew there was no turning back now. I looked back and my friends had already stripped fully... seemed as if they were in a hurry to join in their secret craving fantasy. I looked back at Renamon and smiled at her as I swiped the card once more. Slowly her eyes became heart filled and she slowly began crawling towards us, her hips shaking side to side with each pace. One of my friends had found my boom box and turned the volume up. No one else needed to know what was happening in the room.

And me? Well... I made sure to put the special card in a safe place. Something tells me this won't be the last time I'd use it.




Oh damn! It feels like this is somewhat adressed to me X3 *cough* but even if not, this is absolutely gorgeous! You outdid yourself here! I'd love to join in anytime! :3~~~


Always nice to see a sexy Renamon!