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When you've seen one bokoblin you've seen them all. At least that's what I thought when I encountered a group of two bokoblins out in the field. They weren't guarding anything of value. In fact nothing in their camp seemed out of place. The fire was going, their den had bones and skulls of prey they were able to take down. Just a normal bokoblin camp... small perhaps for their kind, but nothing unheard of.

Except for one thing. When they spotted me at the top of the boulder they didn't panic, they didn't reach for their weapons, or blow the horn to alarm any others that might of been hidden ready to ambush. They simply watched, curious as to why I was aiming my arrow at them. 'Easy target' I thought to myself but for some reason I didn't let the arrow fly above my fingers. I had frozen in place when my curiosity took control of my smarter half. "Why aren't they running?" I realized I was talking to myself. I'm not sure what force took over me... but the arrow withdrew and I lowered my bow. I could see the relief on their faces as the one went back to rotating the large meat they slowly cooked over the fire. The other oinked in my direction before he huffed a haze through his nose and went about his business but not before looking back a few times at me.

Something was wrong... this wasn't like your average bokoblin... why were these two so... different? More importantly why didn't they attack or care that I was around. I stood there arguing with myself but I just couldn't turn away. I wanted to know... the adventurer in me demanded I understood this situation.

Calmly I walked over to their camp, waiting to see if this was a trap or if they didn't really care for my presence. Did they not find me as a threat? The closer I got the more they began to get suspicious of me. They looked to see what I was doing or whether I'd try attacking them again. The two bokoblins were male... they didn't seem inexperienced considering they had their natural looks with scars here and there. The two eventually began to oink and grunt back and forth with each other. The one walked over with a questionable look as he pointed at the meet and oinked at me... my eyebrows widened and I understood. They were..... inviting me.

Next thing I know.. my bow, shield, and weapons were on the ground next to me and I was eating with two bokoblins late into the evening around a fire. I didn't really understand them but they were awfully chatty for a pair of bokoblins. I didn't mind it though, I was fascinated by these two oddly friendly bokoblins. Even their stone hunt didn't seem menacing... yeah it was round but it was more welcoming and warmly... it stunk in there a bit but that was kind of a bokoblin kind of smell I had gotten used to over the years. It was obvious they tried to get me into whatever conversation they were having but I just couldn't understand them. I really wanted to ask why they didn't see me as a threat. They hadn't stolen anything, they weren't attacking any travelers, no pillaging or anything of the sort.

Eventually the fun had come to an end when it started raining late into the night. At first they didn't seem to mind so I tried to ignore it but it started coming down so hard the fire was beginning to die they moved inside. I stood at the door... debating if I should be on my way when I saw one of them run back out, grab my arm and pull me inside. I was hesitant and cautious. I didn't know why they this kind but I wasn't about to have a blind fool. His grip was strong but his attitude hadn't changed. Once he pulled me inside he let me go and grunted and oinked again to the patch of bedding they had gathered for the nest. It was a little bit hard to see at night but eventually I noticed the other bokoblin had taken his loin cloth off. My eyes widened as I looked away to the bokoblin who pulled me in and noticed he was ALSO taking his loincloth off. I heard it drop down to the ground in a wet splat before he casually made his way over to the other bokoblin and sit down to rest. The two talked amongst themselves before they looked at me and waved to a spot next to them.

I sighed out and gave a bit of a smile. Something about this was touching... odd but touching to see something so different. Before a monster I'd have to drive my sword into were now peaceful and sharing their home with me. Once I broke away from this enlightening evening I looked down to find myself soaked... I sighed and began to peel my wet clothes off... my belt came off first, then my tunic, my boots, before I hesitantly pulled my trousers down leaving only my underwear. I then walked on over only to see the two bokoblins had their eyes glued on me... eyes that read curiosity amongst other things. I sat down and waited to see what else they would do on a day like today. I couldn't help but trail my eyes down their bodies only to find their lengths out and laying on the ground. I never really looked at their privates before but considering they didn't want to kill me I had time to take stuff in and boy oh boy were they hung. Were all bokoblins this hung? I only looked away when my cheeks felt the sting from all the blood rushing to my cheeks. I cleared my throat and crossed my legs any way I could.

It's not like I was... turned on by them... I just never thought they would be so... large and hung. I tried to shake the thought away from my head... I tried not looking down but every time I turned to look at one bokoblin or the other my eyes couldn't help but trail down. My eyes weren't the only ones shifting. I was so obvious about it that even the bokoblins could understand my eye shifts. Both had a smile now on their face a bit menacing but I don't think they could help it with their looks. I only snapped out of it when they both were now facing me and their legs were spread... one even grabbed the base of his length and raised it. I fell back with a gasp... embarrassed and a bit humiliated that they had realized what was going on and reacted in that manner. "no no no no... it's not... I'm not." I said while my palms waved in the air in front of me before I realized they still can't understand me. They both grunted and oinked and vocalized towards me... I still couldn't understand them but seeing at what they were looking at... it seems they weren't the only ones with curiosities rushing through their mind. I lowered my head... cursed myself under my breath as my hands involuntarily grabbed my waist band... pushing them down, spread my legs forward until I was able to pull them off... sitting there... completely naked with two other bokoblins.

'At least' I thought to myself 'it's over'. That's it there was no more awkwardness just three males letting their soaked clothes dry for the night. I had my hands to my face in embarrassment that I hadn't noticed the two bokoblins and gotten up and moved around. I only noticed the musk growing before I realized the one was standing right in front of me... or at least it was his length just bobbing in the air in front of me. I gasped before I felt my arms held behind me... it was the other bokoblin. My heart skipped a beat and then leaped into a race. "Wh-what are you doing?!" I said out loud, still they couldn't understand me. I thought I was in trouble... what pushed it? Did I insult them by staring at them... were my actions negative? I thought of how vulnerable I was at the moment, I knew my weapons weren't near me. While my worked itself hard, my heart racing... everything kind of came crashing down when I felt the bokoblin behind me grope me. I gasped in surprise... I wasn't being attacked... at least... not in the way I thought I was... I guess one thing did get communicated between them and I. That kind of staring meant only one thing... and I hadn't realized yet what I communicated with my eyes alone.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I came to the understanding of the trouble I had just put myself into... their hands were all over me... their cold hog noises pressed against my skin... sniffing every vulnerable part of my body. I could feel the bokoblins length slide up and down my back smearing something slick on my skin. The first one got down and groped me.. a bit rough... but everything about a bokoblins life was rough. He tugged and felt me up... the one in the back began to grope my behind... spreading me with a finger that made me wince. Somewhere along the line my eyes must of involuntarily said "I want it"... perhaps it was bokoblin language... either way I was getting worked up quickly.. I was panting, sweating... just choked in their musk. I reached out and grabbed the bokoblin in front of me. I stroke him.. I got to feel it... squeeze it... and apparently lick it when he aimed it up to my mouth.

The next thing I knew I was on all fours... my vision was blurred.. my throat was on fire... and my ass was wet and dripping as a tongue had invaded my most vulnerable of areas. I did my best not to breath... not to fill my lungs with their stench... instead they filled my throat with their lengths. It hurt.. it felt sore... and somehow... buried deep somewhere inside of me I wanted to know how it would feel to be in the losing end of a bokoblin... in this case it was multiplied by two. I choked... I gasped... and I moaned out in pleasure and in pain once the one behind me had his feast... I screamed out when his hips met my ass. I never once imagined I had so much room inside to take such a monster. Perhaps I wasn't supposed to and that's why it hurt. Either way there was no way they would stop... there was no way I could stop. The bokoblin in front of me kept my lungs full of everything but air. My mouth was dirty with spit and saliva and god knows what else. My mind was a mess and the rest of the night was even less memorable from how lost I was in their power control. I must of fainted somewhere in their manhandling. I woke up in between them... my voice was gone... and my legs were shaking hard whenever I tried using them. And the two? As peaceful as I've ever seen a bokoblin before... snoring, drooling, deep in their own odd dreams.

I knew I couldn't stay here... as I regained some energy and some composure I looked at my sword and was reminded of my goal... I knew I couldn't stay. I hope they are still here... one day.... some time in the future... my brain will gnaw at me from this past night... curiosity will want me to see what happens in an entire night... one I don't faint in... I had to experience it... I wanted this rare encounter again.

The End.




Nice story accompaniment!


Gorgeous story dude

Drake Arlin

Holy shit that was hot!

