Mox Newsletter: April 2017 (Patreon)
-I'll be working on a sketch of the Mayiigh TF comic (part two).
-Cinderella! The next update won't be for a month, probably. In the meantime, though, I hope you guys are reading it:
-I'm planning on doing another redesign this month, but I don't know what character I'm going to pick quite yet. Open to suggestions! they can be from comics, cartoons, anime, movies, video games, whatever.
-Help wanted! I'm going to be looking for someone (or someones) to do inks and flats soon. I'll put out a few test sketches for those who are interested. It will be paying.
-I'll be playing some Overwatch.
-Jebriodo was nice enough to do an art trade with me. My portion will be a walk cycle of his thunder thighs character Swagger.
-The next WHEEL stream will be on the 22nd.
I'm always open for questions! So are the Meteorettes, past Growing Girls, MoxyPack girls, or any other OC's I have!
Please state who you are addressing in the question. Otherwise, I'll just assume you're talking to me :P