We're shaking things up in the new year! I've officially switched my Patreon over to a monthly model. This model is a bit more stable for me, and the vast majority of patrons and potential patrons seem to prefer a monthly pledge as well. There's an all-new tier system and some new perks that I'm going to take you all through now!
First, the way that I produce and post art will be different. I'll be making more Patreon-exclusive art and alternate versions. My public galleries will still feature a lot of my art as well as all commissions I draw along with sneak peeks at Patreon-exclusive content. Every three months, I'll package all Patreon art into an artpack and all of my process video into a videopack and make them available for purchase to the public. I will figure out pricing for those that is fair to both patrons and non-patrons. I may split up the packs further so people can purchase the exact content they want, but that'll depend on practicality and
I'll continue posting .PSDs of my works for Silver Club Patrons and above. Additionally, I'll be making one process .GIF and one process video with voiceover every month. The .GIFs I will post publicly and the videos will be for Gold and Diamond Club patrons.
I'd also like to announce the return of the WHEEL, which will replace Fanart Monthly. WHEEL streams will occur once a month. The themes and subjects may vary wildly, and luck plays a big part in determining the outcome of the final piece. For every spin, patrons who are a high enough tier can enter their own choices and then everyone can vote to weigh the wheel in one way or another. It's always been tons of fun :D
Lastly, there will be different Discord perks for people in the MoxyDoxy Club Discord server. I'm still formulating those perks, so join the server whether you're a patron or not to offer suggestions:
I'm hoping this new Moxy Discord can grow to something great! I'm really excited to see what the future holds!