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Edit: Alts added, less clothed version, even less clothed version, and even lewder version.

Had an idea for an April Fools thing, so I'll share it early here, what I whipped up. So shhh, keep it on the down low. Also GIVE FEEDBACK cus, while it's not much my jam, on a whim to see how well I could do it, this...has some far more lewd alts that I'll post after a bit unless there's a complete backlash.

Keep in mind regardless this is gonna be either super super uncommon or never again with the male muscle stuff. So depending on your perspective I guess that's either a good thing or a bad thing.

So ye, rule 63 Kayla and Jenna, or I think Kyle and Jonah is what I'll go for as the joke what their names are. I know she's Irish not Scottish but, when doing research for clothes I came across fukkin Goth Kilts and I just HAD to.




For your first foray into male muscle, this actually turned out well, I especially enjoyed the more out-there choice of attire for Jonah. I've found myself less picky about gender, though it's still up to you as to whether you post the alts here or not, and it's good to hear others' takes on this initial piece beforehand. If you do end up posting those alts, I look forward to seeing them ^^


Those alts would be awesome to see.

John Doe

They look good, but they still kind of look like girls

John Doe

Here's a fun idea, have the rule 63 version banging the the normal version of the other.